Sass installation

Release date:2024-02-28 Update date:2024-02-28 Editor:admin View counts:163


Sass installation

In this chapter we mainly introduce the installation and use of Sass.

NPM installation

We can use it. npm (introduction to NPM usage) to install Sass.

npm install -g sass

Note: domestic npm is recommended to use Taobao image to install

Install on Windows

We can use Windows’s package manager Chocolatey to install:

choco install sass

Mac OS X (Homebrew) installation

Mac OS can be used Homebrew package Manager to install:

brew install sass/sass/sass

More installation methods can be found on the official website:

Introduction to use

Our tutorial uses npm for the installed sass, you can view the version after the installation is complete:

$sass– version 1.22.12 compiled with dart2js 2.5.0 next we create a runoob-test.scss file, which reads:

runoob-test.scss file code:

/\* Define variables and values \*/
$bgcolor: lightblue;
$textcolor: darkblue;
$fontsize: 18px;
/\* Use variables \*/
body {
  background-color: $bgcolor;
  color: $textcolor;
  font-size: $fontsize;

Then enter the following command on the command line, which is about .scss Css code for file conversion:

$ sass runoob-test.scss
@charset "UTF-8";
/* Define variables and values */
/* Use variables */
body {
  background-color: lightblue;
  color: darkblue;
  font-size: 18px;

We can follow another one in the back. .css file name, save the code to the file:

$ sass runoob-test.scss runoob-test.css

This will be generated in the current directory runoob-test.css file, the code is as follows:

@charset "UTF-8";
/* Define variables and values */
/* Use variables */
body {
  background-color: lightblue;
  color: darkblue;
  font-size: 18px;

/*# */

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