SVG is on the HTML page

Release date:2023-12-05 Update date:2023-12-06 Editor:admin View counts:273


SVG is on the HTML page

SVG files can be embedded in HTML documents with the following tags: < embed >, <object> or <iframe> .

The code for SVG can be embedded directly into the HTML page, or you can link directly to the SVG file.

Use <embed> label

<embed> :

  • Advantages: all major browsers support it and allow scripting

  • Cons: not recommended for use in HTML4 and XHTML (but allowed in HTML5)


<embed src="circle1.svg" type="image/svg+xml" />


Use <object> label

<object> :

  • Advantages: all major browsers support HTML4,XHTML and HTML5 standards

  • Cons: scripts are not allowed.


<object data="circle1.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>


Use <iframe> label

<iframe> :

  • Advantages: all major browsers support it and allow scripting

  • Cons: not recommended for use in HTML4 and XHTML (but allowed in HTML5)


<iframe src="circle1.svg"></iframe>


Embed SVG code directly in HTML

In Firefox, Internet Explorer9, Google Chrome, and Safari, you can embed SVGcode directly in HTML.



Link to SVG file

You can also use the <a> tag link to an SVG file: link to a SVG file

You can also use the <a> the tag links to an SVG file:

<a href="circle1.svg">View SVG files</a>

Result: view SVG fil

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