W3C XML event

Release date:2023-12-21 Update date:2023-12-21 Editor:admin View counts:179


W3C XML event

XML is designed to describe, store, transmit and exchange data.

XML tutorial

To learn more about XML, please read our XML tutorial.

XML version

XML 1.0

As a W3C recommendation, XML 1.0 was released on February 10, 1998.

XML 1.0 (second Edition)

As a W3C recommendation, XML 1.0 (SE) was released on October 6, 2000.

The second version is only a correction (bug fix) based on the merger of thefirst version of the errata.

XML 1.0 (third Edition)

The third edition is only a correction (bug fix) based on the combination ofthe first and second versions of the errata.

XML 1.1

As a working draft, XML 1.1 was released on December 13, 2001 and as a candidate recommendation on October 15, 2002.

XML 1.1 allows almost all Unicode characters to be used in names.

Other W3C XML technologies

XML Namespace

The XML namespace can specify a way to define the element and attribute names used in the XML in a way associated with a URI reference.

XML Linking (XLink, XPointer and XML Base)

The XML Linking language (XLink), which allows you to insert links into XML documents.

The XML Pointer language (XPointer), which allows you to link addresses to specific parts of an XML document.

XML Base is a standard for default references to external XML resources. (similar to <base> in HTML).


XInclude is a mechanism for merging XML documents using elements, attributes, and URI references.

W3C XML specification and timeline


Draft / proposal


XML 1.0

February 10, 1998

XML 1.0 (2.Ed)

October 6, 2000

XML 1.0 (3.Ed)

February 4, 2004

XML 1.1

February 4, 2004

XML 1.1 (2.Ed)

August 16, 2006

XML 1.0 Namespaces

January 14, 1999

XML 1.0 Namespaces SE

March 4, 2004

XML 1.1 Namespaces

March 4, 2004

XML 1.1 Namespaces SE

August 16, 2006

XML Infoset

October 24, 2001

XML Infoset (2.Ed)

February 4, 2004

XML Base

June 27, 2001

XLink 1.0

June 27, 2001

XPointer Framework

March 25, 2003

XPointer element () scheme

March 25, 2003

XPointer xmlns () scheme

March 25, 2003

XInclude 1.0

December 20, 2004

XInclude 1.0 SE

November 15, 2006

XML Processing Model

April 5, 2004

XMLHttpRequest Object

August 3, 2010

W3C reference Manual:

W3C XML Home Page

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