HTML text formatting

Release date:2024-02-02 Update date:2024-02-24 Editor:admin View counts:155


HTML text formatting

HTML text formatting

Bold text

Italic text

Computer automatic output is subscript and superscript

HTML formatting label

HTML uses tags < b > (“bold”) and < I > (“italic”) to format the output text, such as bold or italics

These HTML tags are called formatting tags (see the complete tag reference manual at the bottom).

Usual label <strong> replace bold label <b> to use <em> replace <i> label use. However, the meanings of these labels are different: <b> and <i> defines bold or italic text. <strong> or <em> means that the text you want to present is important, so highlight it. All major browsers today can render fonts with various effects. However, browsers may support better rendering in the future.

HTML text formatting label



< b >

Define bold text

< em >

Define emphasis text

< I >

Define italics

< small >

Define a small word

< strong >

Define the emphasis mood

< sub >

Define subscript

< sup >

Define superscript

< ins >

Define insert word

< del >

Define delete word

HTML computer output label



< code >

Define computer code

< kbd >

Define keyboard code

< samp >

Define computer code samples

< var >

Define variable

< pre >

Define preformatted text

HTML citations, citations, and tag definitions



< abbr >

Define abbreviations

< address >

Define addr

< bdo >

Define text orientation

< blockquote >

Define long references

< Q >

Define a short quotation

< cite >

Define citation, citation

< dfn >

Define a definition project.

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