HTML list

Release date:2024-02-02 Update date:2024-02-23 Editor:admin View counts:138


HTML list

HTML supports ordered, unordered, and defined lists:

HTML list

Ordered list

  1. First list item

  2. Second list item

  3. Third list item

Unordered list

  • List item

  • List item

  • List item

HTML unordered list

An unordered list is a list of items marked with bold dots (typical small black circles).

Unordered list usage <ul> label


The browser displays as follows:

  • Coffee

  • Milk

HTML ordered list

Similarly, an ordered list is a list of items, which are marked with numbers. The ordered list begins with <ol> label. Each list item starts with <li> label.

List items are marked with numbers.


The browser displays as follows:

  1. Coffee

  2. Milk

HTML Custom list

A custom list is not just a list of items, but a combination of projects and their comments.

Customize the list to <dl> label begins. Each custom list item is specified by <dt> start. Each custom list item is defined with <dd> start.

<dd>- black hot drink</dd>
<dd>- white cold drink</dd>

The browser displays as follows:

  • Black hot drink

  • White cold drink

Precautions-useful Tip

Tip: paragraphs, newline characters, pictures, links, and other lists can be used inside list items.

HTML list label



< ol >

Define an ordered list

< ul >

Define an unordered list

< li >

Define list items

< dl >

Definition list

< dt >

Custom list item

< dd >

Define the description of a custom list item

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