HTML < div > and < span >

Release date:2024-02-02 Update date:2024-02-23 Editor:admin View counts:154


HTML < div > and < span >

HTML can combine elements through <div> and <span> .

HTML block element

Most HTML elements are defined as block-level or inline elements.

When block-level elements are displayed in a browser, they usually start (and end) with a new line.

Example: <h1> , <p> , <ul> , <table>

HTML inline elements

Inline elements are usually displayed without starting with a new line.

Example: <h1> , <p> , <ul> , <table>

HTML < div > element

HTML <div> elements are block-level elements that can be used to combine containers of other HTML elements.

<div> elements have no specific meaning. In addition, because it is a block-level element, the browser displays line breaks before and after it.

If used with CSS <div> element can be used to set style attributes on large blocks of content.

<div> another common use of elements is document layout. It replaces theold-fashioned method of using tables to define layouts. Use <table> element for document layout is not the correct use of tables. The <table> purpose of the element is to display tabulated data.

HTML < span > element

HTML <span> elements are inline elements that can be used as containers for text

The <span> element also has no specific meaning.

When used with CSS <span> element can be used to set style properties for part of the text.

HTML grouping label



< div >

Defines the area of the document, block level

< span >

Used to combine inline elements in a document, inline elements (inline)

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