HTML script

Release date:2024-02-04 Update date:2024-02-23 Editor:admin View counts:170


HTML script

JavaScript makes HTML pages more dynamic and interactive.


<script> tags are used to define client script, such as JavaScript.

<script> element can either contain script statements or through the src property points to an external script file.

JavaScript is most commonly used for image manipulation, form validation, and dynamic content updates.

The following script outputs “Hello World!” to the browser:


<script>document.write("Hello World!"); </script>

Tip: to learn more about Javascript tutorials, check out the JavaScript tutorials!

HTML < noscript > tag

<noscript> tags provide alternative content when scripts cannot be used,such as when scripts are disabled by the browser, or when the browser does not support client script.

<noscript> element can contain a normal HTML page’s body all elements that can be found in the element.

Is displayed only if the browser does not support scripts or when scripts are disabled <noscript> the contents of the element:


<script>document.write("Hello World!")</script>
<noscript>Sorry, your browser does not support itJavaScript!</noscript>

JavaScript experience (from the javascript tutorial of this site)

JavaScript instance code:

JavaScript can be output directly in HTML:

document.write("<p>This is a paragraph.</p>");

JavaScript event response:

<buttontype="button"onclick="myFunction()">Click me!</button>

JavaScript handles HTML styles:


HTML script label



< script >

Client script is defined

< noscript >

Defines text that does not support script browser output

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