WWW Guide-World wide Web Consortium (World Wide Web)
WWW-World wide Web Consortium
WWW is often referred to as a network. Web is a computer network all over the world. Computers communicate in standard language on Web. The World wideWeb Consortium (W3C) has developed the Web standard
What is WWW?
WWW stands for World Wide Web
The World wide Web is often called the Internet.
The network is a computer network all over the world
All computers in the network can communicate with each other.
All computers use the communication standard of HTTP
How does the World wide Web work?
The file in which the information is stored is called a web page
Web pages are stored on the Web server.
The computer that reads web pages is called the Web client.
The program that Web clients view web pages is called Web browser.
Popular browsers include Internet Explorer,Chrome and Firefox.
How do browsers get web pages?
A browser requests web page data obtained from the server