HTML framework

Release date:2024-02-02 Update date:2024-02-23 Editor:admin View counts:147


HTML framework

By using frames, you can display more than one page in the same browser window.

iframe syntax:

The URL points to a different web page.

Iframe-set height and width

height and width property is used to define iframe height and width of the label.

Properties are displayed in pixels by default, but you can specify that theyare displayed proportionally (for example, “80%”).



Iframe-remove the border

frameborder property is used to define iframe indicates whether the border is displayed.

Set the property value to “0” to remove iframe border:



Use iframe to display the target link page

iframe a page that can display a target link

The properties of the target link must use the iframe , as an example:



HTML iframe label



< iframe >

Define an inline iframe

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