HTML Color
The HTML color is a mixture of red, green and blue.
Color value
The HTML color is defined by a hexadecimal symbol consisting of red, green, and blue values (RGB).
The minimum value for each color is 0 (hexadecimal: # 00). The maximum is 255 (hexadecimal: # FF).
This table shows the specific effect of a mixture of three colors:
Color value
Color |
Color hexadecimal |
Color RGB |
# 000000 |
Rgb (0d0j0pl 0) |
# FF0000 |
Rgb (255, 010, 0) |
# 00FF00 |
Rgb (0pc255re0) |
# 0000FF |
Rgb (0Pol 0255) |
# FFFF00 |
Rgb (255pm 255pm 0) |
# 00FFFF |
Rgb (0255255) |
# FF00FF |
Rgb (255pm 0255) |
# C0C0C0 |
Rgb (192192192) |
Rgb (255255255) |
16 million different colors
The combinations of red, green and blue range from 0 to 255. there are 16 million different colors (256x256x256).
In the following color table, you will see different results, from 0 to 255 red, and set the green and blue values to 0. Different values show different colors as the red values change.
Red Light |
Color HEX |
Color RGB |
# 000000 |
Rgb (0d0j0pl 0) |
# 080000 |
Rgb (8, 010, 0) |
# 100000 |
Rgb (16pd0j0pl 0) |
# 180000 |
Rgb (24pd0pl 0) |
# 200000 |
Rgb (32 and 0) |
# 280000 |
Rgb (40Pol 0pl 0) |
# 300000 |
Rgb (48pc0pm 0) |
# 380000 |
Rgb (56, 010, 0) |
# 400000 |
Rgb (64, 010, 0) |
# 480000 |
Rgb (72j0p0pl 0) |
# 500000 |
Rgb (80, 010, 0) |
# 580000 |
Rgb (88pm 0pm 0) |
# 600000 |
Rgb (96, 010, 0) |
# 680000 |
Rgb (104, 010, 0) |
# 700000 |
Rgb (112. 0. 0) |
# 780000 |
Rgb (120, 010, 0) |
# 800000 |
Rgb (128, 010, 0) |
# 880000 |
Rgb (136, 010, 0) |
# 900000 |
Rgb (144j0p0pl 0) |
# 980000 |
Rgb (152, 010, 0) |
# A00000 |
Rgb (160, 010, 0) |
# A80000 |
Rgb (168, 010, 0) |
# B00000 |
Rgb (176J. 0J. 0) |
# B80000 |
Rgb (184, 010, 0) |
# C00000 |
Rgb (192j0p0pl 0) |
# C80000 |
Rgb (2007.010.0) |
# D00000 |
Rgb (208, 010, 0) |
# D80000 |
Rgb (216J 0pm 0) |
# E00000 |
Rgb (224pd0pl 0) |
# E80000 |
Rgb (232, 010, 0) |
# F00000 |
Rgb (240j0j0pl 0) |
# F80000 |
Rgb (248, 010, 0) |
# FF0000 |
Rgb (255, 010, 0) |
Grey hue
The following shows the gradient from black to gray
Gray Shades |
Color HEX |
Color RGB |
# 000000 |
Rgb (0d0j0pl 0) |
# 080808 |
Rgb (8, 8, 8) |
# 101010 |
Rgb (16pence16pcm16) |
# 181818 |
Rgb (24pr 24pr 24) |
# 202020 |
Rgb (32 and 32) |
# 282828 |
Rgb (40, 40, and 40) |
# 303030 |
Rgb (48,48,48,48) |
# 383838 |
Rgb (56 and 56) |
# 404040 |
Rgb (64pr 64) |
# 484848 |
Rgb (72jue 72j72) |
# 505050 |
Rgb (80, 80, 80) |
# 585858 |
Rgb (88 and 88) |
# 606060 |
Rgb (96, 96, 96) |
# 686868 |
Rgb (104104104) |
# 707070 |
Rgb (112112112) |
# 787878 |
Rgb (120120120) |
# 808080 |
Rgb (128128128) |
# 888888 |
Rgb (136136136) |
# 909090 |
Rgb (144144144) |
#989898 |
Rgb (152152152) |
# A0A0A0 |
Rgb (160160160) |
# A8A8A8 |
Rgb (168168168) |
#B0B0B0 |
Rgb (176176176) |
# B8B8B8 |
Rgb (184184184) |
# C0C0C0 |
Rgb (192192192) |
# C8C8C8 |
Rgb (200200200) |
#D0D0D0 |
Rgb (208208208) |
# D8D8D8 |
Rgb (216216216) |
# E0E0E0 |
Rgb (224224224) |
#E8E8E8 |
Rgb (232232232) |
# F0F0F0 |
Rgb (240240240) |
# F8F8F8 |
Rgb (248248248) |
Rgb (255255255) |
Web security colors?
A few years ago, when most computers supported only 256 colors, a series of 216 Web safe colors was recommended as the Web standard. The reason for this is that Microsoft and Mac operating systems use 40 different reserved fixed system colors (about 20 on each side).
We’re not sure how meaningful this is today, because more and more computers are capable of dealing with millions of colors, but it’s up to you to make the choice.
Initially, cross-platform web safe colors were used to ensure that when computers use 256tone swatches, all computers can display all colors correctly.
000000 |
000033 |
000066 |
000099 |
0000CC |
0000FF |
003300 |
003333 |
003366 |
003399 |
0033CC |
0033FF |
006600 |
006633 |
006666 |
006699 |
0066CC |
0066FF |
009900 |
009933 |
009966 |
009999 |
0099CC |
0099FF |
00CC00 |
00CC33 |
00CC66 |
00CC99 |
00CCCC |
00CCFF |
00FF00 |
00FF33 |
00FF66 |
00FF99 |
00FFCC |
00FFFF |
330000 |
330033 |
330066 |
330099 |
3300CC |
3300FF |
333300 |
333333 |
333366 |
333399 |
3333CC |
3333FF |
336600 |
336633 |
336666 |
336699 |
3366CC |
3366FF |
339900 |
339933 |
339966 |
339999 |
3399CC |
3399FF |
33CC00 |
33CC33 |
33CC66 |
33CC99 |
33CCCC |
33CCFF |
33FF00 |
33FF33 |
33FF66 |
33FF99 |
33FFCC |
33FFFF |
660000 |
660033 |
660066 |
660099 |
6600CC |
6600FF |
663300 |
663333 |
663366 |
663399 |
6633CC |
6633FF |
666600 |
666633 |
666666 |
666699 |
6666CC |
6666FF |
669900 |
669933 |
669966 |
669999 |
6699CC |
6699FF |
66CC00 |
66CC33 |
66CC66 |
66CC99 |
66CCCC |
66CCFF |
66FF00 |
66FF33 |
66FF66 |
66FF99 |
66FFCC |
66FFFF |
990000 |
990033 |
990066 |
990099 |
9900CC |
9900FF |
993300 |
993333 |
993366 |
993399 |
9933CC |
9933FF |
996600 |
996633 |
996666 |
996699 |
9966CC |
9966FF |
999900 |
999933 |
999966 |
999999 |
9999CC |
9999FF |
99CC00 |
99CC33 |
99CC66 |
99CC99 |
99CCCC |
99CCFF |
99FF00 |
99FF33 |
99FF66 |
99FF99 |
99FFCC |
99FFFF |
CC0000 |
CC0033 |
CC0066 |
CC0099 |
CC00CC |
CC00FF |
CC3300 |
CC3333 |
CC3366 |
CC3399 |
CC33CC |
CC33FF |
CC6600 |
CC6633 |
CC6666 |
CC6699 |
CC66CC |
CC66FF |
CC9900 |
CC9933 |
CC9966 |
CC9999 |
CC99CC |
CC99FF |
CCCC00 |
CCCC33 |
CCCC66 |
CCCC99 |
CCFF00 |
CCFF33 |
CCFF66 |
CCFF99 |
FF0000 |
FF0033 |
FF0066 |
FF0099 |
FF00CC |
FF00FF |
FF3300 |
FF3333 |
FF3366 |
FF3399 |
FF33CC |
FF33FF |
FF6600 |
FF6633 |
FF6666 |
FF6699 |
FF66CC |
FF66FF |
FF9900 |
FF9933 |
FF9966 |
FF9999 |
FF99CC |
FF99FF |
FFCC00 |
FFCC33 |
FFCC66 |
FFCC99 |
FFFF00 |
FFFF33 |
FFFF66 |
FFFF99 |