HTML5 Canvas

Release date:2024-02-05 Update date:2024-02-24 Editor:admin View counts:155


HTML5 Canvas

<canvas> Tags define graphics, such as charts and other images, which you must draw using scripts.

Draw a red rectangle, a gradient rectangle, a colored rectangle, and some colored text on the canvas (Canvas).

Your browser does not support HTML5 <canvas> element。

What is canvas?

HTML5 <canvas> elements are used for drawing graphics, which are done through scripts (usually JavaScript).

<canvas> labels are just graphics containers, and you must use scripts to draw graphics.

You can use it in a variety of ways canvas draw paths, boxes, circles, characters, and add images.

Browser support

The numbers in the table indicate support. <canvas> the first browser version number of the element.


< canvas >






Create a canvas

A canvas is a rectangular frame on a web page, through the <canvas> elements to draw.

Note: by default <canvas> the element has no borders and content.

<canvas> a simple example is as follows:

<canvas id="myCanvas" width="200" height="100"></canvas>

Note: tags usually need to specify an id attribute (often referenced in scripts) width and height the size of the canvas defined by the.

Tip: you can use more than one in the HTML page <canvas> element。

Use style property to add a border:


<canvasid="myCanvas"width="200"height="100"style="border:1px solid

Use JavaScript to draw an image

canvas the element itself does not have the ability to draw. All drawing work must be done within JavaScript:



Instance resolution:

First, find <canvas> elements:

var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas");

Then, create the context object:

var ctx=c.getContext("2d");

The getContext (“2d”) object is a built-in HTML5 object with a variety of ways to draw paths, rectangles, circles, characters, and add images.

The following two lines of code draw a red rectangle:


Set up fillStyle properties can be CSS colors, gradients, or patterns. fillStyle the default setting is # 000000 (black).

fillRect(x,y,width,height) method defines the current filling method of the rectangle.

Canvas coordinates

canvas is a two-dimensional grid.

canvas The coordinates of the upper-left corner of the (0,0)

fillRect method has parameters (0,0,150,75) .

Draw a rectangle of 150x75 on the canvas, starting at the upper left corner (0,0) .

Coordinate instance

As shown in the following figure, the X and Y coordinates of the canvas are used to position the painting on the canvas. The positioning coordinates are displayed on the rectangular box moved by the mouse.


In Canvas to draw lines, we will use the following two methods:

  • moveTo( x,y) define line start coordinates

  • lineTo( x,y) define line end coordinates

We have to use the method of “ink” to draw lines, like stroke() .


Define start coordinates (0,0) , and end coordinates (200,100) . And then use the stroke() method to draw lines:

Your browser does not support HTML5 <canvas> element. JavaScript:


In canvas to draw a circle in, we will use the following methods:


In fact, we use the “ink” method when drawing circles, such as stroke() or fill() .


Use arc() method to draw a circle:

Your browser does not support HTML5 <canvas> element. JavaScript:



Using canvas to draw text, the important properties and methods are as follows:

  • font -define fonts

  • fillText( text,x,y) -in canvas draw solid text on the

  • strokeText( text,x,y) -in canvas draw hollow text on the

Use fillText() :


Use the “Arial” font to draw a high-30px text (solid) on the canvas:

Your browser does not support HTML5 <canvas> element. JavaScript:

Arial";ctx.fillText("Hello World",10,50);

Use strokeText() :


Use the “Arial” font to draw a high-30px text (void) on the canvas:

Your browser does not support HTML5 <canvas> element. JavaScript:

Arial";ctx.strokeText("Hello World",10,50);


Gradients can be filled in rectangles, circles, lines, text, etc., and various shapes can define different colors.

There are two different ways to set Canvas gradients:

  • createLinearGradient( x,y,x1,y1) -create a line gradient

  • createRadialGradient( x,y,r,x1,y1,r1) -create a radial / circular gradient

When we use a gradient object, we must use two or more stop colors.

addColorStop() the method specifies the color stop, and the parameters are described by coordinates, which can be 0 to 1.

Using gradients, settin fillStyle or strokeStyle is a gradient, and then draw a shape such as a rectangle, text, or a line.

Use createLinearGradient() :


Create a linear gradient. Fill the rectangle with a gradient:

Your browser does not support HTML5 <canvas> element. JavaScript:

//Create gradient vargrd=ctx.createLinearGradient(0,0,200,0);grd.addColorStop
(0,"red");grd.addColorStop(1,"white");//Fill gradient ctx.fillStyle=grd;

Use createRadialGradient()


Create a radial / circular gradient. Fill the rectangle with a gradient:

Your browser does not support HTML5 <canvas> element. JavaScript:

//Create gradient vargrd=ctx.createRadialGradient(75,50,5,90,60,100);
//Fill gradient ctx.fillStyle=grd;ctx.fillRect(10,10,150,80);


To place an image on the canvas, use the following methods:

  • drawImage( image,x,y)

Work with images:



Place an image on the canvas:

Your browser does not support HTML5 <canvas> element. JavaScript:


HTML Canvas reference manual

The complete attributes of the tag can be found in the Canvas reference manual.

HTML < canvas > tag



< canvas >

The canvas element of HTML5 uses JavaScript to draw images on a web page.

For more information, it is enough to learn the article HTML5 Canvas.

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