Font Awesome gesture icon

Release date:2024-01-26 Update date:2024-01-26 Editor:admin View counts:209


Font Awesome gesture icon

The following table shows all the Font Awesome gesture icons:


Fa fa-hand-grab-o

Fa fa-hand-lizard-o

Fa fa-hand-o-down

Fa fa-hand-o-left

Fa fa-hand-o-right

Fa fa-hand-o-up

Fa fa-hand-paper-o

Fa fa-hand-peace-o

Fa fa-hand-pointer-o

Fa fa-rocket

Fa fa-hand-scissors-o

fa fa-hand-spock-o

Fa fa-hand-stop-o

Fa fa-thumbs-down

Fa fa-thumbs-o-down

Fa fa-thumbs-o-up

Fa fa-thumbs-up

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