Web standard

Release date:2023-12-27 Update date:2023-12-27 Editor:admin View counts:235


Web standard

The Web standard makes Web development easier.

The Web standard is developed by the World wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Why the Web standard?

For browser developers and Web program developers to follow the specified standards when developing new applications is more conducive to the development of Web.

Developers create web pages according to Web standards, which makes it easier for developers because they can easily understand each other’s code.

Using the Web standard will ensure that all browsers display your site correctly without taking time to rewrite.

Standard-compliant Web pages make it easier for search engines to access andincorporate web pages, make it easier to convert to other formats, and makeit easier to access program code (such as JavaScript and DOM).

Tip: you can use the web verification server to verify the standardization of the page.


Accessible environment is an important part of HTML standard.

The Web standard makes it easier to use Web for people with disabilities.

The Web standard makes it easy for people with disabilities to use the Internet. The blind can use the program to read the web page for them. People with amblyopia can visit the website by rearranging and magnifying the web pages.

W3C-World wide Web Consortium

The W3C creates and maintains Web standards.

Tim Berners-Lee (Tim Berners-Lee) is the founder of the World wide Web Alliance and the inventor is known as the father of the Internet:

“The dream behind the Web is of a common information space in which we communicate by sharing information.”

The World wide Web Alliance, founded in 1994, is an international alliance dedicated to “leading the web to stimulate its full potential”.

  • W3C says World wide Web Consortium

  • W3C was founded in October 1994

  • W3C was founded by Web inventor Tim Berners Lee (Tim Berners-Lee)

  • The W3C is organized as an institution of member states

  • The W3C’s job is to standardize the network.

  • WWW standard created and maintained by W3C

  • W3C standards have W3C recommendations

The most important W3C standards are:

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • XML

  • XSL

  • DOM

ECMA-European Association of computer Manufacturers

ECMA was founded in Brussels in 1960 by some of Europe’s largest computer and technology companies. By May 1961, they had established a formal organization whose goal was to evaluate, develop and endorse telecommunications and computer standards.

It was decided that ECMA would be headquartered in Geneva because it would bring it closer to other standard-setting organizations that work with it, such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Association for Electronic Technology (IEC).

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