Server script Guide
ASP and PHP-server script
HTML files can contain text, HTML tags, and scripts.
The server script is the programming of server behavior. This is called a server-side script or server script.
Client script is the programming of browser behavior. (see the JavaScript introductory tutorial).
Usually, when a browser requests a HTML file, the server returns the file, but if the file contains a server-side script, the script in the HTML file is executed first before the HTML file is returned to the browser as a pure HTML.
What can server scripts do?
Dynamically edit, change, or add any content to the web page
Respond to user requests or data submitted by the HTML form
Access data or database and return results to browser
Customize the page for different users
Improve web page security so that your web code will not be viewed through the browser
Important reminder: because the script is executed on the server, the browser can display server-side files without supporting scripts!
In the rookie tutorial, we demonstrate server-side scripting by using activeserver pages (ASP) and hypertext preprocessors (PHP).
How to learn ASP or PHP?
Follow our complete ASP tutorial, or our complete PHP tutorial.