WSDL port

Release date:2023-12-30 Update date:2023-12-30 Editor:admin View counts:247


WSDL port

<portType> Element is the most important WSDL element.

WSDL port

<portType> Element is the most important WSDL element.

It describes a web service, actions that can be performed, and related messages.

You can put <portType> Element is compared to a function library (or a module, or a class) in a traditional programming language.

Operation type

Request-response is the most common type of operation, but WSDL defines fourtypes:




This action accepts a message, but does not return a response.


This operation accepts a request and returns a response


This action sends a request and waits for a response.


This action sends a message, but does not wait for a response.

One-Way operation

An example of an one-way operation:



In this example, the port “glossaryTerms” defines an one-way operation named “setTerm”.

This “setTerm” operation accepts input from the new glossary item message,which uses a message named “newTermValues” with the input parameters “term” and “value”. However, no output is defined for this operation.

Request-Response operation

One request-response examples of operations:



In this example, the port “glossaryTerms” defines a request-response operation named “getTerm”.

The “getTerm” operation requests an input message named “getTermRequest”with a parameter named “term” and returns an output message named “getTermResponse” with a parameter named “value”.

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