Useful resources for Servlet
This chapter lists the Servlet website, books, and articles.
Useful websites for Java Servlet
Sun’s Site on Servlets -related information about Servlet on Sun’s official website.
JSP Engine - Tomcat -Apache Tomcat is open source software that implements support for Java Servlet and JSP (JavaServerPages) technologies.
MySQL Connector/J -MySQL Connector/J is the official JDBC driver for MySQL.
The Java TM Tutorials this Java tutorial is a practical guide for programmers who want to create applications in the Java programming language.
Java TM 2 SDK, Standard Edition -Java TM 2 SDK, the official website of Standard Edition.
Free Java Download -downloadJava for your desktop computer!
Sun Developer Network -the official website of Sun Microsystem, which lists all API documents, the latest Java technologies, books and other resources.