W3C DOM Activities

Release date:2023-12-22 Update date:2023-12-22 Editor:admin View counts:275


W3C DOM Activities

The document object Model (DOM:Document Object Model) is a platform, a language-neutral application programming interface (API) that allows programs to access and change the content, structure, and style of a document.

DOM Tutorials

To learn more about DOM, please read our HTML DOM and XML DOM tutorials.

DOM level 0

DOM level 0 is not a W3C specification. It is just a definition of equivalent functionality in Netscape Navigator 3.0 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0.

The key roles in the development of DOM are: ArborText, IBM, Inso EPS, JavaSoft, Microsoft, Netscape, Novell, the Object Management Group, SoftQuad, Sun Microsystems and Texcel.

DOM level 1 of the W3C is based on this functionality.

DOM level 1

DOM level 1 focuses on HTML and XML document models. It contains document navigation and processing functions.

DOM level 1 became a W3C recommendation on October 1, 1998.

The second version of the working draft was dated September 29, 2000.

DOM level 2

DOM level 2 adds a stylesheet object model to DOM level 1 and defines the functionality to manipulate style information attached to the document.

DOM level 2 also defines an event model and provides support for XML namespaces.

As a W3C recommendation, the DOM level 2 specification was released on November 13, 2000:

DOM Level 2 Cor

The DOM Level 2 core specifies an API that accesses and changes the content and structure of the document, and this API also contains an interface for XML.

DOM Level 2 HTML

The DOM Level 2 HTML specifies the API for manipulating the structure and content of the HTML document. (this part of the specification is still a working draft)

DOM Level 2 Views

DOM Level 2 specifies the API to access and change the document view. A viewis a representation associated with the original document or some alternative representation.

DOM Level 2 Style

DOM Level 2 Style provides API for dynamically accessing and changing content stylesheets.

DOM Level 2 Events

The DOM Level 2 Events specifies the API that accesses document events.

DOM Level 2 Traversal-Range

The DOM Level 2 Traversal-Range specifies the API that dynamically traversesand identifies the scope of content in the document.

DOM level 3

DOM Level 3 specifies the content model (DTD and Schemas) and document validation. It also specifies document loading and saving, document viewing,document formatting, and key events. DOM Level 3 is built on top of DOM Core Level 2.

DOM Level 3 Requirements

The DOM Requirements document has been updated for Level 3 requirements and released as a working draft on April 12, 2000.

The following working draft of DOM Level 3 was released on September 1, 2000:

DOM Level 3 Core

DOM Level 3 Core specifies an API that accesses and changes the content, structure, and style of a document.

DOM Level 3 Events

DOM Level 3 Events API extends the capabilities of Level 2 Event API by adding new interfaces and new event sets.

DOM Level 3 Load and Save

DOM Level 3 Content Model specifies the API for content loading and saving, content model (DTD and Schemas), and document validation support.

DOM Level 3 Views and Formatting

The DOM Level 3 Views specifies the API that accesses and changes the document view. A view is a representation associated with the original document or some alternative representation.

W3C DOM specification and timeline


Draft / proposal


DOM Level 1

  1. Oct 1998

DOM Level 1 (2.Ed)

  1. Sep 2000

DOM Level 2 Core

  1. Nov 2000

DOM Level 2 HTML

  1. Jan 2003

DOM Level 2 Views

  1. Nov 2000

DOM Level 2 Style

  1. Nov 2000

DOM Level 2 Events

  1. Nov 2000

DOM Level 2 Traversal-Range

  1. Nov 2000

DOM Level 3 Requirements

  1. Feb 2004

DOM Level 3 Core

  1. Apr 2004

DOM Level 3 Events

  1. May 2011

DOM Level 3 Load and Save

  1. Apr 2004

DOM Level 3 Validation

  1. Jan 2004

DOM Level 3 XPath

  1. Feb 2004

DOM Level 3 Views

  1. Feb 2004

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