Go language continue statement

Release date:2023-09-15 Update date:2023-10-13 Editor:admin View counts:341


Go language continue statement

The continue statement in the Go language is a bit like the break statement. But continue instead of jumping out of the loop, skip the current loop to execute the next loop statement.

In for loop, execute continue statement triggers for executionof incremental statements.

In multiple loops, you can use labels label mark one’s mind continue cycle.


continue syntax format is as follows:


continue statement flow chart is as follows:



In variables a equal to 15 skip this loop and execute the next loop:


package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
   /* Define local variables */
   var a int = 10
   /* For loop */
   for a < 20 {
      if a == 15 {
         /* Skip this loop */
         a = a + 1;
      fmt.Printf("The value of a is: %d\\n", a);

The execution result of the above example is:

The value of a is: 10
The value of a is: 11
The value of a is: 12
The value of a is: 13
The value of a is: 14
The value of a is: 16
The value of a is: 17
The value of a is: 18
The value of a is: 19

The following example has multiple loops that demonstrate the difference between using tags and not using tags:


package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Do not use tags
    fmt.Println("---- continue ---- ")
    for i := 1; i <= 3; i++ {
        fmt.Printf("i: %d\\n", i)
            for i2 := 11; i2 <= 13; i2++ {
                fmt.Printf("i2: %d\\n", i2)
    // Using tags
    fmt.Println("---- continue label ----")
        for i := 1; i <= 3; i++ {
            fmt.Printf("i: %d\\n", i)
                for i2 := 11; i2 <= 13; i2++ {
                    fmt.Printf("i2: %d\\n", i2)
                    continue re

The execution result of the above example is:

---- continue ----
i: 1
i2: 11
i2: 12
i2: 13
i: 2
i2: 11
i2: 12
i2: 13
i: 3
i2: 11
i2: 12
i2: 13
---- continue label ----
i: 1
i2: 11
i: 2
i2: 11
i: 3
i2: 11

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