Swift attribute
The Swift property associates a value with a specific class, structure, or enumeration.
Attributes can be divided into storage attributes and calculation attributes:
Storage attribute |
Calculation attribute |
Store constants or variables as part of an instance |
Calculate (rather than store) a value |
For classes and structures |
For classes, structures, and enumerations |
Storage and calculation properties are typically used for specific types of instances.
Properties can also be used directly for the type itself, which is called a type property.
In addition, a property watcher can be defined to monitor changes in property values to trigger a custom action. The property watcher can be added to a storage property written by itself or to a property inherited from the parent class.
Storage attribute
Simply put, a storage property is a constant or variable stored in an instance of a particular class or structure.
A storage property can be a variable storage property (with keywords var
definition), or it can be a constant storage property (with keywords``let`` definition).
You can specify default values when defining storage properties
You can also set or modify the value of a storage property during construction, or even modify the value of a constant storage property
import Cocoa
struct Number
var digits: Int
let pi = 3.1415
var n = Number(digits: 12345)
n.digits = 67
The output of the above program execution is as follows:
Consider the following code:
let pi = 3.1415
The pi in the code specifies the default value (pi = 3.1415) when defining the storage property, so whenever you instantiate the structure, it will notchange.
If you define a constant storage property, you will get an error if you try to modify it, as shown below:
import Cocoa
struct Number
var digits: Int
let numbers = 3.1415
var n = Number(digits: 12345)
n.digits = 67
n.numbers = 8.7
The execution of the above procedures will report an error as follows:
error: cannot assign to property: 'numbers' is a 'let' constant
n.numbers = 8.7
Numbers’ is a constant and you can’t modify it.
Deferred storage attribute
A deferred storage property is a property whose initial value is calculated only when it is called for the first time.
Use before the property declaration lazy
to indicate a deferred storageproperty.
Note: the deferred storage property must be declared as a variable using the``var`` keyword, because the value of the property may not be available until the instance construction is complete. A constant property must have an initial value before the construction process is complete, so it cannot be declared as a delay property.
Latency storage properties are generally used to:
Delay the creation of the object.
When the value of an attribute depends on other unknown classes
import Cocoa
class sample {
lazy var no = number() // `var` Keywords are mandatory
class number {
var name = "Runoob Swift tutorial"
var firstsample = sample()
The output of the above program execution is as follows:
Runoob Swift tutorial
Instantiate variable
If you have any experience with Objective-C, you should know that Objective-C provides two ways to store values and references for class instances. For properties, you can also use instance variables as the back-end storage of property values.
These theories are uniformly implemented by attributes in the Swift programming language. Properties in Swift have no corresponding instance variables, and the back-end storage of properties cannot be accessed directly. This avoids the trouble of access methods in different scenarios, and simplifies the definition of attributes into a single statement.
All information about attributes in a type– including naming, type, and memory management features– is defined in a unique place (in the type definition).
Calculation attribute
In addition to storing properties, classes, structures, and enumerations candefine calculated properties, which do not store values directly, but provide a getter
to get the value, an optional setter
to indirectly set the values of other properties or variables.
import Cocoa
class sample {
var no1 = 0.0, no2 = 0.0
var length = 300.0, breadth = 150.0
var middle: (Double, Double) {
return (length / 2, breadth / 2)
no1 = axis.0 - (length / 2)
no2 = axis.1 - (breadth / 2)
var result = sample()
result.middle = (0.0, 10.0)
The output of the above program execution is as follows:
(150.0, 75.0)
If you calculate the property’s setter
if there is no parameter name defined to represent the new value, you can use the default name newValue
Read-only calculation attribute
Only getter
, setter
is not the read-only calculation property.
The read-only calculation property always returns a value, which can be passed through the dot (.) Operator, but you cannot set a new value.
import Cocoa
class film {
var head = ""
var duration = 0.0
var metaInfo: [String:String] {
return [
"head": self.head,
var movie = film()
movie.head = "Swift attribute"
movie.duration = 3.09
The output of the above program execution is as follows:
Swift attribute
Must be used var
keyword defines calculation properties, including read-only calculation properties, because their values are not fixed. let
keyword is used only to declare constant properties, representing values that can no longer be modified after initialization.
Attribute viewer
The property watcher monitors and responds to changes in property values, calling the property watcher every time the property is set, even when the new value is the same as the current value.
You can add property watchers for storage properties other than deferred storage properties, or you can add property observers for inherited properties, including storage and calculation properties, by overloading properties.
Note: there is no need to add a property watcher for calculated properties that cannot be overloaded, because you can use the setter
direct monitoring and changes in response values.
You can add one or all of the following observers to the property:
Called before setting a new valuedidSet
Called immediately after the new value is setwillSet
observer will not be called during property initialization
import Cocoa
class Samplepgm {
var counter: Int = 0{
print("Counter: \(newTotal)")
if counter > oldValue {
print("New additions \(counter - oldValue)")
let NewCounter = Samplepgm()
NewCounter.counter = 100
NewCounter.counter = 800
The output of the above program execution is as follows:
Counter: 100
100 new additions
Counter: 800
700 new additions
Global and local variables
The patterns described by the calculated properties and property watchers can also be used for global and local variables.
Local variable |
Global variable |
A variable defined within a function, method, or closure. |
Functions, methods, closures, or variables defined outside of any type. |
Used to store and retrieve values. |
Used to store and retrieve values. |
Storage properties are used to get and set values. |
Storage properties are used to get and set values. |
It is also used to calculate attributes. |
It is also used to calculate attributes. |
Type attribute
Type properties are written in the outermost curly braces ({}) of the type as part of the type definition.
Use keywords static
to define the type properties of the value type, keyword class
to define type properties for the class.
struct Structname {
static var storedTypeProperty = " "
static var computedTypeProperty: Int {
// Return an Int value here
enum Enumname {
static var storedTypeProperty = " "
static var computedTypeProperty: Int {
// Return an Int value here
class Classname {
class var computedTypeProperty: Int {
// Return an Int value here
Note: the computed type properties in the example are read-only, but you canalso define readable and writable computed type properties, similar to the syntax of the instance evaluation properties.
Gets and sets the value of the type property
Similar to the properties of an instance, type properties are also accessed through the dot operator (.) Let’s do it. However, type properties are obtained and set by the type itself, not by the instance. Examples are as follows:
import Cocoa
struct StudMarks {
static let markCount = 97
static var totalCount = 0
var InternalMarks: Int = 0 {
didSet {
if InternalMarks > StudMarks.markCount {
InternalMarks = StudMarks.markCount
if InternalMarks > StudMarks.totalCount {
StudMarks.totalCount = InternalMarks
var stud1Mark1 = StudMarks()
var stud1Mark2 = StudMarks()
stud1Mark1.InternalMarks = 98
stud1Mark2.InternalMarks = 87
The output of the above program execution is as follows: