Swift inheritance
Inheritance can be understood as one class getting the methods and properties of another class.
When a class inherits other classes, the inherited class is called a subclass, and the inherited class is called a superclass (or parent class).
In Swift, classes can call and access superclass methods, properties, and subscript scripts, and can override them.
We can also add a property watcher to the inherited properties in the class.
Base class
A class that does not inherit another class is called a Base Class.
In the following example, we define the base class StudDetails
describing the student (stname) and his scores in each subject (mark1, mark2, mark3):
class StudDetails {
var stname: String!
var mark1: Int!
var mark2: Int!
var mark3: Int!
init(stname: String, mark1: Int, mark2: Int, mark3: Int) {
self.stname = stname
self.mark1 = mark1
self.mark2 = mark2
self.mark3 = mark3
let stname = "swift"
let mark1 = 98
let mark2 = 89
let mark3 = 76
let sds = StudDetails(stname:stname, mark1:mark1, mark2:mark2, mark3:mark3);
The output of the above program execution is as follows:
A subclass refers to creating a new class based on an existing class.
To indicate the superclass of a class, write the superclass name after the subclass name, separated by a colon (:). The syntax format is as follows
class SomeClass: SomeSuperclass {
// Class definition
In the following example, we define a superclass StudDetails
and then use the subclass Tom
inherit it:
class StudDetails
var mark1: Int;
var mark2: Int;
init(stm1:Int, results stm2:Int)
mark1 = stm1;
mark2 = stm2;
func show()
print("Mark1:\(self.mark1), Mark2:\(self.mark2)")
class Tom : StudDetails
super.init(stm1: 93, results: 89)
let tom = Tom()
The output of the above program execution is as follows:
Mark1:93, Mark2:89