Lua basic syntax

Release date:2023-09-26 Update date:2023-10-13 Editor:admin View counts:350


Lua basic syntax

Lua is very easy to learn, and we can create the first Lua program!

The first Lua program

Interactive programming

Lua provides an interactive programming mode. We can enter the program on the command line and see the effect immediately.

Lua interactive programming mode can be realized by command lua -i or lua to enable:

$ lua -i
$ Lua 5.3.0  Copyright (C) 1994-2015, PUC-Rio

On the command line, enter the following command:

> print("Hello World!")

Then we press the enter key and the output is as follows:

> print("Hello World!")
Hello World!>

Script programming

We can save the Lua program code to a lua at the end of the file, and execute, this pattern is called scripted programming, such as we store the following code in a file named hello.lua in the script file:

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