1 |
File::atime( path) returns the last access time of the path.
2 |
File::basename( path[, suffix]) Returns the file name at the end of the path. If suffix is specified, it is removed from the end of the file name. For example: File.basename (”/ home/users/bin/ruby.exe”) # = > “ruby.exe”
3 |
File::blockdev?( path returns true if path is a block device.
4 |
File::chardev?( path) returns true if path is a character device.
5 |
File::chmod( mode, path...) changes the permission mode of the specifiedfile.
6 |
File::chown( owner, group, path...) changes the owner and group of the specified file.
7 |
File::ctime( path) returns the last inode change time of the path.
8 |
File::delete( path...) File::unlink( path...) deletes the specified file.
9 |
File::directory?( path) if path is a directory, true is returned.
10 |
File::dirname( path) returns the directory portion of the path, excluding the last file name.
11 |
File::executable?( path) returns true if path is executable.
12 |
File::executable_real?( path) if path is executable with true user rights, it returns true.
13 |
File::exist?( path) returns true if path exists.
14 |
File::expand_path( path[, dir]) return the absolute path of path, extend~ to the home directory of the process owner, and ~ user to the home directory of the user. The relative path is relative to the directory specified by dir, or to the current working directory if dir is omitted.
15 |
File::file?( path) if path is a normal file, true is returned.
16 |
File::ftype( path) returns one of the following strings, indicating the file type: file-normal file directory-directory characterSpecial-character special file blockSpecial-block special file fifo-named pipe (FIFO) link-symbolic link socket-Socket unknown-unknown file type
17 |
File::grpowned?( path) returns true if path is owned by the group to which the user belongs.
18 |
File::join( item...) returns a string concatenated by the specified items and uses the File::Separator to separate. For example: File::join (“”, “home”, “usrs”, “bin”) # = > “/ home/usrs/bin”
19 |
File::link( old, new) create a hard link to the file old.
20 |
File::lstat( path) is the same as stat, but it returns information on its own symbolic link, not the file it points to.
21 |
File::mtime( path) returns the time when the path was last modified.
22 |
File::new( path[, mode="r"]) File::open( path[, mode="r"]) File::open( path[, mode="r"]) {|f| ...} Open the file. If a block is specified, the block is executed by passing a new file as a parameter. When the block exits, the file closes automatically. These methods are different from Kernel.open in that even if path starts with |, subsequent strings are not run as commands.
23 |
File::owned?( path) returns true if path is owned by a valid user.
24 |
File::pipe?( path) returns true if path is a pipe.
25 |
File::readable?( path) returns true if path is readable.
26 |
File::readable_real?( path) if path is readable through true user rights, it returns true.
27 |
File::readlink( path) returns the file that path points to.
28 |
File::rename( old, new) change the file name old to new.
29 |
File::setgid?( path) if the set-group-id permission bit of path is set, true is returned.
30 |
File::setuid?( path) if the set-user-id permission bit of path is set, true is returned.
31 |
File::size( path) Returns the file size of the path.
32 |
File::size?( path) Returns the file size of path, or nil if 0.
33 |
File::socket?( path) Returns true if path is a socket.
34 |
File::split( path) Returns an array containing the contents of path, andthe path is divided into File::dirname(path) and File::basename(path) .
35 |
File::stat( path) object with information on the path File::Stat object.
36 |
File::sticky?( path) Returns true if the sticky bit of path is set.
37 |
File::symlink( old, new) Create a symbolic link to the file old.
38 |
File::symlink?( path) Returns true if path is a symbolic link.
39 |
File::truncate( path, len) Truncate the specified file as len bytes.
40 |
File::unlink( path...) Deletes the file given by path.
41 |
File::umask([ mask]) If no parameter is specified, the current umask is returned for the process. If a parameter is specified, umask is set and the old umask is returned.
42 |
File::utime( atime, mtime, path...) Changes the access and modification time of the specified file.
43 |
File::writable?( path) Returns true if path is writable.
44 |
File::writable_real?( path) If path is writable with true user rights, true is returned.
45 |
File::zero?( path) Returns true if the file size of path is 0.