Perl file operation

Release date:2023-10-19 Update date:2023-10-21 Editor:admin View counts:591


Perl file operation

Perl use a variable called the file handle type to manipulate the file.

A file handle is required to read or write data from a file.

The file handle (file handle) is the name of an Icano connection.

Perl provides three types of file handles: STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR, representing standard input, standard output, and standard error output, respectively.

Perl can open a file in the following ways:



Parameter description:

  • FILEHANDLE :A file handle that holds a unique identifier of a file

  • EXPR :An expression consisting of a file name and a file access type

  • MODE :File access type

  • PERMS :Access permission bit (permission bits)

Open function

The following code we use open the function opens the file as read-only (<) file.txt :

open(DATA, "<file.txt");

< represents read-only mode.

In the code DATA for the file handle to read the file, the following example opens the file and outputs the contents of the file:


File cannot be opened,$!";while(<DATA>){print"$\_";}

The following code opens the file file.txt as a write (>):

open(DATA, ">file.txt") or die "file.txt File cannot be opened, $!";

> indicates how it is written.

If you need to open the file in read-write mode, you can open it in the > or < add before character + number:

open(DATA, "+<file.txt"); or die "file.txt File cannot be opened, $!";

This method does not delete the original contents of the file. If you want to delete it, the format is as follows:

open DATA, "+>file.txt" or die "file.txt File cannot be opened, $!";

If you want to append data to a file, you only need to open the file as an append before appending the data:

open(DATA,">>file.txt") || die "file.txt File cannot be opened, $!";

>> means to append data to the end of an existing file. If you need to read the contents of the file to be appended, you can add it. + number:

open(DATA,"+>>file.txt") || die "file.txt File cannot be opened, $!";

The following table lists the different access modes:



< or r

Open read-only and point the file pointer to the file header.

> or w

Open in write mode, point the file pointer to the file header and truncate the file size to zero. If the file does not exist, try to create it.

> or a

Open in write mode and point the file pointer to the end of the file. If the file does not exist, try to create it.

+< 或 r+

Open it in read-write mode and point the file pointer to the file header.

+> 或 w+

Open read-write, point the file pointer to the file header and truncate the file size to zero. If the file does not exist, try to create it.

+>> 或 a+

Open read-write mode and point the file pointer to the end of the file. If the file does not exist, try to create it.

Sysopen function

sysopen function is similar to open functions, but their arguments are not the same.

The following example opens the file with read-write (+ < filename):

sysopen(DATA, "file.txt", O_RDWR);

If you need to empty the file before updating it, write as follows:

sysopen(DATA, "file.txt", O_RDWR|O_TRUNC );

You can use O_CREAT to create a new file O_WRONLY for write-only mode O_RDONLY in read-only mode.

The PERMS parameter is an octal attribute value, which represents the permissions after the file is created. The default is 0x666 .

The following table lists the possible pattern values:




Open it in read-write mode and point the file pointer to the file header.


Open read-only and point the file pointer to the file header.


Open in write mode, point the file pointer to the file header and truncate the file size to zero. If the file does not exist, try to create it.


Create a file


Append file


Truncate the file size to zero


If using O_CREAT when the file exists, an error message is returned, which can test whether the file exists


Non-blocking I/O makes our operation either successful or immediately return an error without blocking.

Close function

After the file is used, to close the file to flush the input and output buffer associated with the file handle, the syntax for closing the file is as follows:


FILEHANDLE is the specified file handle, and returns if closed successfully true .

close(DATA) || die "cannot close file";

Read and write files

There are several different ways to read and write information to a file:

< FILEHANDL > operator

The main way to read information from an open file handle is <FILEHANDLE> operator. In a scalar context, it returns a single line from the file handle. For example:


#!/usr/bin/perlprint"Novice Tutorial website?\\n";$name=

After the above procedure is executed, the following information will be displayed. After we enter the URL, print statement will output:


When we use the <FILEHANDLE> operator, it returns a list of each line in the file handle, for example, we can import all rows into the array.

Implementation creation import.txt file, the contents are as follows:

$ cat import.txt

Read import.txt And put each line into @lines array:


#!/usr/bin/perlopen(DATA,"<import.txt")ordie"Unable to open data";@lines=
<DATA>;print@lines;# Output array contentclose(DATA);

Execute the above program, and the output is as follows:


Getc function

xgetc function from the specified FILEHANDLE returns a single character, if it is not specified STDIN :


If an error occurs, or if the file handle is at the end of the file, return``undef`` .

Read function

read function is used to read information from the file handle of the buffer.

This function is used to read binary data from files.


Parameter description:

  • FILEHANDLE :A file handle that holds a unique identifier of a file

  • SCALAR : store the results, if not specified OFFSET the data will be placed in the beginning of SCALAR . Otherwise, the data is placed inthe SCALAR in OFFSET after the byte.

  • LENGTH :The length of the content read

  • OFFSET : offset.

If the read is successful, the number of bytes read is returned, if 0 is returned at the end of the file, and if an error occurs undef .

Print function

For all functions that read information from a file handle, the main write function at the back end is print :

print LIST

Using file handles and print function can send the result of the program to the output device (STDOUT: standard output), for example:

print "Hello World!\n";

File copy

For the following example, we will open an existing file file1.txt and read every line of it written to the file file2.txt :


#!/usr/bin/perl# Open file in read-only mode open(DATA1,"<file1.txt");#
Open a new file and write to it open(DATA2,">file2.txt");#
Copy Data while(<DATA1>){printDATA2$\_;}close(DATA1);close(DATA2);

File renaming

For the following example, we will have an existing file file1.txt rename to file2.txt , the specified directory is in the /usr/runoob/test/ below:


rename ("/usr/runoob/test/file1.txt", "/usr/runoob/test/file2.txt" );

Function renames only two parameters are accepted and only existing files are renamed.

Delete a file

The following example shows how to use the unlink function to delete the file:



Specify the file location

You can use it. tell function to get the location of the file and by using the seek function to specify the location within the file:

Tell function

tell function is used to get the file location:


If you specify FILEHANDLE this function returns the position of the file pointer, in bytes. If not specified, the default selected file handle is returned.

Seek function

seek() function reads or writes a file by moving the file read-write pointer through the file handle, reading and writing in bytes:


Parameter description:

  • FILEHANDLE :A file handle that holds a unique identifier of a file

  • POSITION :Represents the number of bytes to be moved by the file handle (read-write position pointer)

  • WHENCE :Represents the starting position of the file handle (read-write position pointer) when it starts to move. The values you can take are 0, 1, and 2; they represent the beginning of the file, the current location, and the end of the file, respectively.

The following example reads 256 bytes from the beginning of the file:

seek DATA, 256, 0;

File information

The Perl file operation can also test whether the file exists, whether it can be read or written, and so on.

We can first create file1.txt document is as follows:

$ cat file1.txt


'it is a binary file'if(-B\_);push@description,'it is a socket (socket)'if(-S\_);push@description,
'it is a text file'if(-T\_);push@description,'it is a special block file'if(-b\_);push@description,
'it is a special character file'if(-c\_);push@description,'it is a directory'if(-d\_);push@description,
'file exists'if(-x\_);push@description,(($size=
-s\_))?"$size byte":'blank';print"$file information:",join(',',@description),"\\n";}

Execute the above program, and the output is as follows:

file1.txt information: It is a text file with 15 bytes

The file test operator is shown in the following table:




Time when the file was last accessed (in days)


Whether it is a binary file


File’s (inode) Inode modification time (in days)


Time when the file was last modified (in days)


The file is owned by the real UID


Files or directories can be read by real UID/GID




Whether it is a text file


A file or directory can be written by a real UID/GID


Files or directories can be executed by a real UID/GID


Is a block-special (special block) file (such as mounting a disk)


Is a character-special (special character) file (such as an Icano device)


For the catalog


File or directory name exists


Is an ordinary file


A file or directory has a setgid attribute


The sticky bit is set in the file or directory


For symbolic links


Files are owned by valid UID


The file is a named pipe (FIFO)


The file can be read by a valid UID/GID


File or directory exists and is not 0 (number of bytes returned)


The file handle is TTY (the return result of the system function isatty (); you cannot use this test on the file name)


A file or directory has a setuid attribute


Files can be written by a valid UID/GID


Files can be executed by a valid UID/GID


The file exists with a size of 0 (the directory is always false), that is, whether it is an empty file

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