Kotlin extension

Release date:2023-09-22 Update date:2023-10-13 Editor:admin View counts:393


Kotlin extension

Kotlin can extend the properties and methods of a class without inheriting or using Decorator mode.

Extension is a static behavior that has no effect on the extended class codeitself.

Extended function

The extension function can add new methods to the existing class without modifying the original class, and extend the definition form of the function:

fun receiverType.functionName(params){
  • receiverType represents the receiver of the function, that is, the object of the function extension

  • functionName :The name of the extension function

  • params: arguments to the extension function, which can be NULL

The following example extends User class:

class User(var name:String)

/**spread function**/
fun User.Print(){
    print("user name $name")

fun main(arg:Array<String>){
    var user = User("Runoob")

The output of the instance execution is as follows:

user name Runoob

The following code is MutableList add a swap function:

// spread function swap,Swapping values from different positions
fun MutableList<Int>.swap(index1: Int, index2: Int) {
    val tmp = this[index1]     //  this Corresponding List
    this[index1] = this[index2]
    this[index2] = tmp

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    val l = mutableListOf(1, 2, 3)
    // The values of positions 0 and 2 have been interchanged
    l.swap(0, 2) // The 'this' in the 'swap()' function will point to the value of 'l'


The output of the instance execution is as follows:

[3, 2, 1]

this keyword refers to the recipient object (receiver object) (that is, the object instance specified before the period when the extension function is called).

Extension functions are statically parsed

The extension function is statically parsed and is not a virtual member of the receiver type. When calling the extension function, which function is called is determined by the object expression of the calling function, not by the dynamic type:

open class C

class D: C()

fun C.foo() = "c"   // spread function foo

fun D.foo() = "d"   // spread function foo

fun printFoo(c: C) {
    println(c.foo())  // Type C

fun main(arg:Array<String>){

The output of the instance execution is as follows:


If the extension function is consistent with the member function, the memberfunction takes precedence when using the function.

class C {
    fun foo() { println("member function") }

fun C.foo() { println("spread function") }

fun main(arg:Array<String>){
    var c = C()

The output of the instance execution is as follows:

member function

Extend an empty object

Within the extension function, you can use the this to determine whether the recipient is NULL in this way, even if the recipient is NULL you can also call extension functions For example:

fun Any?.toString(): String {
    if (this == null) return "null"
    // After null detection, 'this' will automatically be converted to a non null type,
     so the following toString()
    // Resolve to a member function of the Any class
    return toString()
fun main(arg:Array<String>){
    var t = null

The output of the instance execution is as follows:


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