Go language select statement

Release date:2023-09-14 Update date:2023-10-13 Editor:admin View counts:374


Go language select statement

select is a control structure in Go, similar to the one used for communication switch statement. Each case must be a communication operation, either sending or receiving.

select randomly execute a runnable case . If not, case runnable, it will block until there is case can be run. A default clause should always run.


The syntax of the select statement in the Go programming language is as follows:

select {
    case communication clause  :
    case communication clause  :
    /* You can define any number of cases */
    default : /* optional */

The following description describes select syntax of the statement:

  • Each case must be a communication.

  • All channel expressions are evaluated.

  • All expressions sent will be evaluated

  • If any communication can be performed, it is executed and the others are ignored.

  • If there are more than one case can be run. Select will be randomly and fairly selected for execution. The rest will not be carried out. Otherwise:

    1. If there is default clause, the statement is executed.

    2. If there is no default clause, select will block until a communication can run; Go will not re evaluate channel or values.


select statement application demonstration:


package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
   var c1, c2, c3 chan int
   var i1, i2 int
   select {
      case i1 = <-c1:
         fmt.Printf("received ", i1, " from c1\\n")
      case c2 <- i2:
         fmt.Printf("sent ", i2, " to c2\\n")
      case i3, ok := (<-c3):  // same as: i3, ok := <-c3
         if ok {
            fmt.Printf("received ", i3, " from c3\\n")
         } else {
            fmt.Printf("c3 is closed\\n")
         fmt.Printf("no communication\\n")

The result of the above code execution is:

no communication

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