Scala Set
Scala set
(collection) is a collection of objects without repetition, and all elements are unique.
Scala collections are divided into mutable and immutable collections.
By default, Scala uses immutable collections, and if you want to use mutablecollections, you need to refer to scala.collection.mutable.Set
Default reference scala.collection.immutable.Set
an example of an immutable collection is as follows:
val set = Set(1,2,3)
println(set.getClass.getName) //
println(set.exists(\_ % 2 == 0)) //true
println(set.drop(1)) //Set(2,3)
If you need to use a variable collection, you need to introduce scala.collection.mutable.Set
import scala.collection.mutable.Set // Variable sets can be introduced anywhere
val mutableSet = Set(1,2,3)
println(mutableSet.getClass.getName) // scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
mutableSet += 5
mutableSet -= 2
println(mutableSet) // Set(5, 3, 4)
val another = mutableSet.toSet
println(another.getClass.getName) // scala.collection.immutable.Set
Note: although variable set
and immutable. set
has operations to add or remove elements, but there is a very big difference. Yes, immutable. set
to perform the operation, a new set
original set
hasn’t changed, which has something to do with List
same thing. While for variable, set
to operate, the change is that the set
in itself, with ListBuffer
Basic operation of collection
The Scala collection has three basic operations:
returns the first element of the collectiontail
returns a collection containing elements other than the first elementisEmpty
returns when the collection is emptytrue
Any operation on the Scala collection can be expressed using these three basic operations. Examples are as follows:
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val site = Set("Runoob", "Google", "Baidu")
val nums: Set[Int] = Set()
println( "The first website is: " + site.head )
println( "The last website is : " + site.tail )
println( "Check if the list site is empty : " + site.isEmpty )
println( "Check if nums is empty : " + nums.isEmpty )
Execute the above code, and the output is as follows:
$ vim Test.scala
$ scala Test.scala
The first website is : Runoob
The last website is : Set(Google, Baidu)
Check if the list site is empty : false
Check if nums is empty : true
Connection set
You can use it. ++
operator or Set.++()
method to connect two collections. If there is a duplicate element, the duplicate element will be removed. Examples are as follows:
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val site1 = Set("Runoob", "Google", "Baidu")
val site2 = Set("Faceboook", "Taobao")
// ++ Used as an operator
var site = site1 ++ site2
println( "site1 ++ site2 : " + site )
// ++ Used as an method
site = site1.++(site2)
println( "site1.++(site2) : " + site )
Execute the above code, and the output is as follows:
$ vim Test.scala
$ scala Test.scala
site1 ++ site2 : Set(Faceboook, Taobao, Google, Baidu, Runoob)
site1.++(site2) : Set(Faceboook, Taobao, Google, Baidu, Runoob)
Find the largest and smallest elements in the collection
You can use it. Set.min
method to find the smallest element in the collection, using the Set.max
method to find the largest element in thecollection. Examples are as follows:
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val num = Set(5,6,9,20,30,45)
// Find the largest and smallest elements in a set
println( "Set(5,6,9,20,30,45) the smallest element is : " + num.min )
println( "Set(5,6,9,20,30,45) the smallest element is : " + num.max )
Execute the above code, and the output is as follows:
$ vim Test.scala
$ scala Test.scala
Set(5,6,9,20,30,45) the smallest element is : 5
Set(5,6,9,20,30,45) the smallest element is : 45
You can use it. Set.&
method or Set.intersect
method to view the intersection elements of two collections. Examples are as follows:
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val num1 = Set(5,6,9,20,30,45)
val num2 = Set(50,60,9,20,35,55)
// intersection
println( "num1.&(num2) : " + num1.&(num2) )
println( "num1.intersect(num2) : " + num1.intersect(num2) )
Execute the above code, and the output is as follows:
$ vim Test.scala
$ scala Test.scala
num1.&(num2) : Set(20, 9)
num1.intersect(num2) : Set(20, 9)
Common methods of Scala Set
The following table lists the Scala Set
common methods:
Serial number |
Method and description |
1 |
Def + (elem: a): Set [A] Add a new element to the collection, x, and create a new collection unless the element already exists |
2 |
Def-(elem: a): Set [A] Remove elements from the collection and create a new collection |
3 |
Def contains (elem: a): Boolean Returns true if the element exists in the collection, false otherwise. |
4 |
Def & (that: Set [A] ): Set [A] Returns the intersection of two sets |
5 |
Def & ~ (that: Set) [A] ): Set [A] Returns the difference between two sets |
6 |
Def + (elem1: a, elem2: a, elems: A*): Set [A] Create a new immutable collection by adding elements passed in to the specified collection |
7 |
Def + + (elems: a): Set [A] Merge two sets |
8 |
Def-(elem1: a, elem2: a, elems: A*): Set [A] Creates a new immutable collection by removing elements passed into the specified collection |
9 |
Def addString (b: StringBuilder): StringBuilder Add all elements of the immutable collection to the string buffer |
10 |
Def addString (b: StringBuilder, sep: String): StringBuilder Adds all elements of the immutable collection to the string buffer and uses the specified delimiter |
11 |
Def apply (elem: a) Detects whether the collection contains the specified element |
12 |
Def count (p: (a) = > Boolean): Int Calculate the number of set elements that meet the specified conditions |
13 |
Def copyToArray (xs: Array [A] , start: Int, len: Int): Unit Copy immutable collection elements to an array |
14 |
Def diff (that: Set [A] ): Set [A] Compare the difference between two sets |
15 |
Def drop (n: Int): Set [A] ] Returns a new collection of the first n elements discarded |
16 |
Def dropRight (n: Int): Set [A] Returns a new collection of discarded last n elements |
17 |
Def dropWhile (p: (a) = > Boolean): Set [A] Discard elements from left to right until condition p is not true |
18 |
Def equals (that: Any): Boolean The equals method can be used for any sequence. Used to compare whether the series are equal. |
19 |
Def exists (p: (a) = > Boolean): Boolean Determines whether the element of the specified condition exists in the immutable set. |
20 |
Def filter (p: (a) = > Boolean): Set [A] Outputs all immutable collection elements that meet the specified criteria. |
21 |
Def find (p: (a) = > Boolean): Option [A] Find the first element in an immutable set that meets the specified condition |
22 |
Def forall (p: (a) = > Boolean): Boolean Finds whether the specified condition applies to all elements of this collection |
23 |
Def foreach (f: (a) = > Unit): Unit Apply a function to all elements of an immutable set |
24 |
Def head: A Get the first element of an immutable set |
25 |
Def init: Set [A] Returns all elements except the last one |
26 |
Def intersect (that: Set [A] ): Set [A] Calculate the intersection of two sets |
27 |
Def isEmpty: Boolean Determine whether the collection is empty |
28 |
Def iterator: Iterator [A] Create a new iterator to iterate over the element |
29 |
Def last: A Returns the last element |
30 |
Def map [B] (F: (a) = > B): immutable.Set [B] Recalculate all elements by a given method |
31 |
Def max: A Find the largest element |
32 |
Def min: A Find the smallest element |
33 |
Def mkString: String All elements of the collection are displayed as strings |
34 |
Def mkString (sep: String): String Use delimiters to display all elements of the collection as strings |
35 |
Def product: A Returns the product of numeric elements in an immutable set. |
36 |
Def size: Int Returns the number of immutable collection elements |
37 |
Def splitAt (n: Int): (Set [A] , Set [A] ) Split the immutable set into two containers, the first consisting of the first n elements and the second consisting of the remaining elements |
38 |
Def subsetOf (that: Set [A] ): Boolean Returns true if the collection contains a subset, false otherwise |
39 |
Def sum: A Returns the sum of all numeric elements in an immutable set |
40 |
Def tail: Set [A] Returns elements other than the first element in an immutable set |
41 |
Def take (n: Int): Set [A] Return the first n elements |
42 |
Def takeRight (n: Int): Set [A] Return the last n elements |
43 |
Def toArray: Array [A] Convert a collection to an array |
44 |
Def toBuffer [B >: A] : Buffer [B] Returns the buffer containing all the elements of the immutable set |
45 |
Def toList: List [A] Returns List, which contains all the elements of the immutable set |
46 |
Def toMap [T, U] : Map [T, U] Returns Map, which contains all the elements of the immutable set |
47 |
Def toSeq: Seq [A] Returns Seq, which contains all the elements of the immutable set |
48 |
Def toString (): String Returns a string represented by an object |
For more methods, please refer to the API documentation