Go language break statement

Release date:2023-09-14 Update date:2023-10-13 Editor:admin View counts:367


Go language break statement

The break statement in the Go language is used for the following two aspects:

  • Used to jump out of the loop in the loop statement and start executing the statement after the loop.

  • break in switch (switch statement) is executing a case the role of the pop-up statement after.

  • In multiple loops, you can use labels label mark one’s mind break cycle.


break syntax format is as follows:


break statement flow chart is as follows:


In variables a greater than 15 jump out of the loop:


package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
   /* Define local variables */
   var a int = 10
   /* For loop */
   for a < 20 {
      fmt.Printf("The value of a is : %d\\n", a);
      if a > 15 {
         /* Using break statements to break out of a loop */

The execution result of the above example is:

The value of a is: 10
The value of a is: 11
The value of a is: 12
The value of a is: 13
The value of a is: 14
The value of a is: 15

The following example has multiple loops that demonstrate the difference between using tags and not using tags:


package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Do not use tags
    fmt.Println("---- break ----")
    for i := 1; i <= 3; i++ {
        fmt.Printf("i: %d\\n", i)
                for i2 := 11; i2 <= 13; i2++ {
                        fmt.Printf("i2: %d\\n", i2)
    // Using tags
    fmt.Println("---- break label ----")
        for i := 1; i <= 3; i++ {
            fmt.Printf("i: %d\\n", i)
            for i2 := 11; i2 <= 13; i2++ {
                fmt.Printf("i2: %d\\n", i2)
                break re

The execution result of the above example is:

---- break ----
i: 1
i2: 11
i: 2
i2: 11
i: 3
i2: 11
---- break label ----
i: 1
i2: 11

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