Lua string

Release date:2023-10-08 Update date:2023-10-13 Editor:admin View counts:659


Lua string

A string or string is a string of characters consisting of numbers,letters, and underscores.

Strings in the Lua language can be represented in the following three ways:

  • A string of characters between single quotation marks.

  • A string of characters between double quotation marks.

  • A string of characters between [[ vs. ]].

The string examples of the above three methods are as follows:


string1 = "Lua"
print("\\"String 1 is\\"",string1)
string2 = ''
print("String 2 is",string2)
string3 = [["Lua tutorial"]]
print("String 3 is",string3)

The output of the above code execution is as follows:

"String 1 is"    Lua
String 2 is
String 3 is    "Lua tutorial"

Escape characters are used to represent characters that cannot be displayed directly, such as back key, enter key, etc. For example, double quotation marks can be used in string conversion "\"" .

All escape characters and their corresponding meanings:

Escape character


ASCII code value (decimal)


Ring (BEL)



BS to move the current position to the previous column



FF to move the current position to the beginning of the next page



Line break (LF) to move the current position to the beginning of the next line



Enter (CR) to move the current position to the beginning of the line



Horizontal tabulation (HT) (skip to the next TAB position)



Vertical tabulation (VT)



Represents a backslash character \



Represents a single quote (apostrophe) character



Represents a double quotation mark character



Null character



Any character represented by a 1 to 3 octal number

Three-digit octal


Any character represented by 1 to 2 digits in hexadecimal

Binary hexadecimal system

String operation

Lua provides a number of ways to support string manipulation:

Serial number

Method and use


string.upper(argument) : All strings are converted to uppercase letters.


string.lower(argument) : All strings are converted to lowercase letters.


string.gsub(mainString,findString,replaceString,num) replace in a string.

MainString is the string to be operated, findString is the character to be replaced, replaceString is the character to be replaced, and the number of num replacements (can be ignored, then all are replaced), such as:

> string.gsub("aaaa","a","z",3);
zzza    3


string.find (str, substr, [init, [plain]]) searches for the specified content substr in a specified target string str. If a matching substring is found, the start and end indexes of the substring are returned, and nil is returned if it does not exist.

Init specifies the starting position of the search, which defaults to 1, which can be a negative number indicating the number of characters from backto front.

Plain indicates whether to use a simple pattern. By default, false,true onlydoes simple operations to find substrings, and false means to use regular pattern matching.

The following example finds the start and end index positions of the string “Lua”:

> string.find("Hello Lua user", "Lua", 1) 
7    9


string.reverse(arg) string inversion

> string.reverse("Lua")


string.format(...) returns a formatted string similar to printf

> string.format("the value is:%d",4)
the value is:4


String. char (arg) and string.byte(arg[,int]) , char convert integer numbers into characters and concatenate them, while byte convert characters into integer values (a certain character can be specified, default to the first character).

> string.char(97,98,99,100)
> string.byte("ABCD",4)
> string.byte("ABCD")


string.len(arg) calculates the string length.



string.rep(string, n) returns n copies of the string string

> string.rep("abcd",2)


Link two strings

> print("www.runoob.".."com")


string.gmatch(str, pattern) returns an iterator function, and each time this function is called, it returns the next substring found in the string str that matches the pattern description. If the string described by the parameter pattern is not found, the iterative function returns nil.

> for word in string.gmatch("Hello Lua user", "%a+") do print(word) end


string.match(str, pattern, init) , string.match() only look for the first pair in the source string str. The parameter init is optional and specifies the starting point of the search process. The default is 1.

On successful pairing, the function returns all the capture results in the pairing expression, or the entire pairing string if no capture flag is set. Returns nil when there is no successful pairing.

> = string.match("I have 2 questions for you.", "%d+ %a+")
2 questions

> = string.format("%d, %q", string.match("I have 2 questions for you.", "(%d+) (%a+)"))
2, "questions"

String interception

String interception using sub() method.

string.sub() used to intercept a string. The prototype is:

string.sub(s, i [, j])

Parameter description:

  • s : The string to intercept.

  • i : Intercept the start position

  • j : intercept the end position, default is-1, the last character.


-- character string
local sourcestr = "prefix--runoobgoogletaobao--suffix"
print("\\n Original string", string.format("%q", sourcestr))
-- Intercepted parts, 4th to 15th
local first_sub = string.sub(sourcestr, 4, 15)
print("\\n First interception", string.format("%q", first_sub))
-- Prefix string, 1st to 8th
local second_sub = string.sub(sourcestr, 1, 8)
print("\\n Second interception", string.format("%q", second_sub))
-- Capture the last 10
local third_sub = string.sub(sourcestr, -10)
print("\\n Third interception", string.format("%q", third_sub))
-- Index out of bounds, output original string
local fourth_sub = string.sub(sourcestr, -100)
print("\\n Fourth interception", string.format("%q", fourth_sub))

The result of the above code execution is:

Original String    "prefix--runoobgoogletaobao--suffix"

First interception    "fix--runoobg"

Second interception    "prefix--"

Third interception   "ao--suffix"

Fourth interception    "prefix--runoobgoogletaobao--suffix"

String case conversion

The following example demonstrates how to convert a string case:


string1 = "Lua";

The result of the above code execution is:


String search and inversion

The following example shows how to find and reverse a string:


string = "Lua Tutorial"
-- Find String
reversedString = string.reverse(string)
print("The new string is",reversedString)

The result of the above code execution is:

5    12
The new string is    lairotuT auL

String formatting

Lua provides string.format() function to generate a string with a specific format, the first argument to the function is the format, followed by various data for each code in the corresponding format.

Due to the existence of format strings, the readability of the resulting long strings is greatly improved. The format of this function is very similar to that of the C language printf() .

The following example shows how to format a string:

The format string may contain the following escape codes:

  • % c-take a number and convert it to the corresponding characters ASCII inthe code table

  • % d,% I-take a number and convert it to a signed integer format

  • % o-accept a number and convert it to octal format

  • % u-accepts a number and converts it to an unsigned integer format

  • % x-accept a number and convert it to hexadecimal format, using lowercase letters

  • % X-accept a number and convert it to hexadecimal format, using uppercase letters

  • % e-accept a number and convert it to scientific notation format, using the lowercase letter e

  • % E-accept a number and convert it to scientific notation format, using uppercase E

  • % f-accept a number and convert it to floating-point format

  • % g (% G)-takes a number and converts it to a shorter format in% e (% E, corresponding to% G) and% f

  • % Q-accepts a string and converts it into a format that can be safely read by the Lua compiler

  • % s-accepts a string and formats it according to the given parameters

To further refine the format, you can add parameters after the% sign. Parameters are read in the following order:

  • (1)symbol: a + sign indicates that the subsequent numeric escape character will make the positive number show the positive sign. By default, only negative numbers display symbols.

  • (2)placeholder: a 0 that is used when string width is specified later. The default placeholder when unfilled is a space.

  • (3)alignment logo: when the string width is specified, the default is rightalignment, and the plus-sign can be changed to left alignment.

    1. Width value

  • (5)Decimal places/string trimming: the decimal part n that is added afterthe width value, followed by f (floating point escape character, such as %6.3f ), the decimal of the floating point number is set to retain only n digits, followed by s (string escape character, such as %5.3s sets the string to display only the first n bits.


string1 = "Lua"
string2 = "Tutorial"
number1 = 10
number2 = 20
-- Basic string formatting
print(string.format("Basic formatting %s %s",string1,string2))
-- Date formatting
date = 2; month = 1; year = 2014
print(string.format("Date formatting %02d/%02d/%03d", date, month, year))
-- Decimal formatting

The result of the above code execution is:

Basic formatting Lua Tutorial
Date formatting 02/01/2014

Other examples:


string.format("%c", 83)                 -- outputS
string.format("%+d", 17.0)              -- output+17
string.format("%05d", 17)               -- output00017
string.format("%o", 17)                 -- output21
string.format("%u", 3.14)               -- output3
string.format("%x", 13)                 -- outputd
string.format("%X", 13)                 -- outputD
string.format("%e", 1000)               -- output1.000000e+03
string.format("%E", 1000)               -- output1.000000E+03
string.format("%6.3f", 13)              -- output13.000
string.format("%q", "One\\nTwo")         -- output"One\\
                                        --   Two"
string.format("%s", "monkey")           -- output  monkey
string.format("%10s", "monkey")         -- output  monkey
string.format("%5.3s", "monkey")        -- output  mon

Conversion between characters and integers

The following example demonstrates the conversion between characters and integers:


-- character conversion
-- Convert first character
-- Convert the third character
-- Convert the first character at the end
-- Second character
-- Convert the second character at the end
-- Convert integer ASCII code to characters

The result of the above code execution is:


Other common functions

The following examples demonstrate other string operations, such as calculating string length, string concatenation, string copying, and so on:


string1 = "www."
string2 = "runoob"
string3 = ".com"
-- Using Make string connections
print("connection string",string1..string2..string3)
-- String Length
print("String Length ",string.len(string2))
-- Copy string twice
repeatedString = string.rep(string2,2)

The result of the above code execution is:

connection string
String Length    6

Matching pattern

The matching pattern in Lua is directly described using regular strings. It is used for pattern matching functions such as string.find , string.gmatch , string.gsub , and string.match .

You can also use character classes in pattern strings.

A character class refers to a pattern item that can match any character in aparticular character collection. For example, character classes %d matches any number. So you can use pattern strings %d%d/%d%d/%d%d%d%d search dd/mm/yyyy date in format:


s = "Deadline is 30/05/1999, firm"
date = "%d%d/%d%d/%d%d%d%d"
print(string.sub(s, string.find(s, date)))    --> 30/05/1999

The following table lists all the character classes supported by Lua:

Single character (except ^$()%.[]*+-? outside): paired with the character itself

  • . (dot): Pairing with any character

  • %a : Pair with any letter

  • %c : Pair with any controller (for example,n)

  • %d : Pair with any number

  • %l : Pair with any lowercase letter

  • %p : Pair with any punctuation punctuation

  • %s Pairing with white space characters

  • %u : Pair with any uppercase letter

  • %w : Paired with any letter / number

  • %x Paired with any hexadecimal number

  • %z : Pair with any character that represents 0

  • %x (here x is a non-alphanumeric character): paired with the character x. It is mainly used to deal with functional characters in expressions ^$()%.[]*+-? ), such as %% and % pairing

  • [数个字符类] With any [] The character class pairs contained in the. For example [%w_] With any letter / number 或下划线符号(_) Pairing

  • [^Several character classes]: Unlike any that is not included in the []``character class pairing in. For example  ``[^%s] pair with any non-white space character

When the above character class is written in uppercase, it is paired with any character other than this character class. For example, %S %S indicates pairing with any non whitespace characterfor example, '%A' non-alphabetic characters:

> print(string.gsub("hello, up-down!", "%A", "."))
hello..up.down.    4

The number 4 is not part of the result of the string, it is gsub , the second result returned represents the number of replacements that have occurred.

There are some special characters in pattern matching that have special meanings. The special characters in Lua are as follows:

( ) . % + - * ? [ ^ $

'%' used as an escape character for special characters, so '%.' matching point '%%' matching character '%' . Escape character '%' it can be used not only to escape special characters, but also to all non-alphabetic characters.

Pattern entries can be:

  • A single character class matches any single character in that category

  • A single character class is compared to a '*' that will match zero or more characters of this class This entry always matches the string as long as possible;

  • A single character class is compared to a '+' that will match one or more characters of this class This entry always matches the string as long as possible;

  • A single character class is compared to a '-' that will match zero or more characters of this class, unlike '*', this entry always matchesthe shortest possible string;

  • A single character class is compared to a '?' that will match zero or acharacter of this class Whenever possible, it will match one;

  • %n , where n can range from 1 to 9; this entry matches a substring equal to the n catch (described later).

  • %bxy , where x and y are two explicit characters; this entry matches a string that starts with x and ends with y, where x and y are balanced It means that if you read the string from left to right, it will be + 1 every time you read an x,-1 when you read a y, and the y at the end is the first yto count to 0. For example, an entry %b() expressions that can match to parenthesis balance.

  • %f[set] , which refers to the border pattern; this entry matches to a set an empty string before a character within, and the previous character in this position does not belong to set . Set set the meaning is as described earlier. The start and end points of the matched empty string are calculated as if there is a character ‘\0’ there.


A pattern refers to a sequence of pattern entries. Add a symbol to the frontof the pattern '^' matches the anchor from the beginning of the string. Add a symbol to the end of the pattern '$' anchors the matchingprocess to the end of the string. If '^' and '$' when they appearin other places, they have no special meaning, they only represent themselves.


Patterns can enclose a subpattern internally in parentheses; these sub patterns are called catches. When the match is successful, the substringsin the string matched by the catch are saved for future use. The catches are numbered in the order of their left parenthesis. For example, for a pattern``”(a*(.)%w(%s*))”`` that matches to the "a*(.)%w(%s*)" issaved in the first catch (and therefore number 1); by "." the matching character is catch 2, and the part that matches to “% s*” is number 3.

As a special case, empty capture () will be captured to the position ofthe current string (which is a number). For example, if you set the pattern "()aa()" act on a string "flaaap" two catches will be produced: 3 and 5.

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