React AJAX

Release date:2024-03-15 Update date:2024-03-15 Editor:admin View counts:140


React AJAX

Data from the React component can be accessed through the componentDidMount method, and when getting data from the server, it can be stored in the state , reuse this.setState method to re-renderUI.

When loading data asynchronously, use the componentWillUnmount to cancel the outstanding request.

The following example demonstrates getting the latest Github user updates gist share description:

React instance

$.get(this.props.source,function(result){varlastGist=result[0];this.setState({username:lastGist.owner.login,lastGistUrl:lastGist.html_url});}.bind(this));}componentWillUnmount(){this.serverRequest.abort();}render(){return(<div>{this.state.username}User's latest Gist shared address:

The above code uses jQuery to complete the Ajax request.

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