Vue3 style binding
and style
are attributes of the HTML element, which is used to style the element, and we can use the v-bind
to set style properties.
Dealing with class
and style
the expression can be an object or an array in addition to a string.
can be abbreviated as :class
property binding
We can do it for v-bind:class
set an object to switch dynamically class
Example 1
In the instance, the general isActive
set to true
shows a green one. div
block, if set to false
does not display:
<div:class="{ 'active': isActive }"></div>
The above examples div class
the rendering result is:
<div class="active"></div>
We can also pass in more properties in the object to dynamically switch between multiple class
In addition :class
instructions can also be similar to ordinary class
properties coexist.
Example 2
Class background color overrides the active
class background color:
<divclass="static":class="{ 'active' : isActive, 'text-danger' :
hasError }"></div>
The above examples div class
the rendering result is:
<div class="static text-danger"></div>
When the isActive
or hasError
changes, the class
attribute value will also be updated accordingly. For example, if the value of active
is true
, the class
list will become “static active text-danger”.
We can also bind an object in the data directly:
Example 3
Class background color overrides the active
class background color:
The rendering of instance 3 is the same as that of instance 2.
In addition, we can bind a computational property of the returned object here. This is a common and powerful model:
Example 4
Array syntax
We can pass an array to v-bind:class
the example is as follows:
Example 5
<divclass="static":class="[activeClass, errorClass]"></div>
The above examples div class
the rendering result is:
<div class="static active text-danger"></div>
We can also use ternary expressions to switch between the class
Example 6
is always there. isActive
for true
add when activeClass
<divid="app"><divclass="static":class="[isActive ? activeClass : '',
The above examples div class
the rendering result is:
<div class="static text-danger"></div>
style (inline style)
We can do it in v-bind:style
set the style directly, which can be abbreviated to :style
Example 7
<divid="app"><div:style="{ color: activeColor, fontSize: fontSize + 'px'
}">Rookie Tutorial</div></div>
The above examples div style
the rendering result is:
<div style="color: red; font-size: 30px;">Rookie Tutorial</div>
You can also bind directly to a style object to make the template clearer:
Example 8
<divid="app"><div:style="styleObject">Rookie Tutorial</div></div>
can use an array to apply multiple style objects to an element:
Example 9
overridingStyles]">Rookie Tutorial</div></div>
Note: When using CSS attributes that require a specific prefix, such as transform
and Vue.js
, the v-bind:style
will automatically detect and add the corresponding prefix.”.
Multiple value
Can be used for style
in binding property
provides an array of multiple values, often used to provide multiple prefixed values, such as:
<div :style="{ display: ['-webkit-box', '-ms-flexbox', 'flex'] }"></div>
Writing in this way only renders the last value in the array supported by the browser. In this example, if the browser supports a flexbox
then itwill only render display: flex
Used on the component class
When you use on a custom component with a single root element class
property, these class
will be added to the element. Existing on this element class
will not be overwritten.
Example 10
<divid="app"><runoobclass="classC classD"></runoob></div><script>//
Create a Vue application const app=Vue. createApp ({})//Define a name called
The new global component of runoob app.component('runoob', { template: '<h1class="classA
classB">I like runoob!</h1>' }) app.mount('#app')</script>
The above examples div class
the rendering result is:
<h1 class="classA classB classC classD">I like runoob!</h1>
For with data binding class
the same applies:
<my-component :class="{ active: isActive }"></my-component>
When isActive
for true
the HTML is rendered as:
<p class="active">Hi</p>
If your component has multiple root elements, you need to define which parts will receive this class. Can be used $attrs
the component property does this:
Example 11
<divid="app"><runoobclass="classA"></runoob></div><script>const app =
Vue.createApp({}) app.component('runoob', { template:
\`<p:class="$attrs.class">I like
runoob!</p><span>This is a subcomponent</span>\` }) app.mount('#app')</script>
Note: template
is a backquotation mark, not a single quotation mark.
The above examples div class
the rendering result is:
<div id="app" data-v-app=""><p class="classA">I like runoob!</p><span>This is a subcomponent</span></div>