Vue3 form

Release date:2024-03-08 Update date:2024-03-08 Editor:admin View counts:150


Vue3 form

In this section, we introduce the applications on Vue forms.

We can use v-model instructions in the form <input><textarea> and <select> creates a two-way data binding on elements such as.


The v-model correct method is automatically selected to update the element based on the control type.

v-model all form elements are ignored valuecheckedselected property, using the data initial value is declared in the

v-model internally use different attributes for different input elementsand throw different events:

  • text and textarea element usage value properties and input event

  • checkbox and radio use checked properties and change event

  • select field will value as an attribute and set the change as an event.

Input box

The example demonstrates the input and textarea element used in the v-model implement two-way data binding:

element:</p><inputv-model="message"placeholder="Edit Me……"><p>input
The form message is: {{ message }}</p><p>textarea
element:</p><textareav-model="message2"placeholder="Multiple line text input……"></textarea><p>textarea
The form message is:</p><pstyle="white-space: pre">{{ message2
}}</p></div><script>const app = { data() { return { message: '',
message2: 'Rookie Tutorial\r\n' } } }

In the text area textarea interpolation does not work and needs to be used v-model instead of:

<!-- error -->
<textarea>{{ text }}</textarea>

<!-- correct -->
<textarea v-model="text"></textarea>

Check box

If the check box is a logical value, if there are more than one, bind to thesame array:

Check box

The two-way data binding of check boxes is demonstrated in the following example:

<divid="app"><p>Single checkbox:</p><inputtype="checkbox"id="checkbox"v-model="checked"><labelfor="checkbox">{{
}}</label><p>Single checkbox:</p><inputtype="checkbox"id="runoob"value="Runoob"v-model="checkedNames">
<labelfor="taobao">taobao</label><br><span>The selected value is:
{{ checkedNames }}</span></div><script>const app = { data() { return {
checked : false, checkedNames: [] } } }

The effect of checking the check box in the instance is as follows:


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