React component

Release date:2024-03-12 Update date:2024-03-16 Editor:admin View counts:166


React component

In this section we will discuss how to use components to make our application easier to manage.

Next, let’s package an output “Hello World!” Component named HelloMessage :

React instance


Instance resolution:

1.We can use the function to define a component:

function HelloMessage(props) {
    return <h1>Hello World!</h1>;

You can also use ES6 class to define a component:

class Welcome extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <h1>Hello World!</h1>;

2、 const element = <HelloMessage /> 为用户自定义的组件。

Note that native HTML element names start with lowercase letters, while custom React class names start with uppercase letters, such as HelloMessage can’t be written as helloMessage . In addition, it is important to note that the component class can only contain a top-level tag, otherwise an error will also be reported.

If we need to pass parameters to the component, we can use the this.props object. An example is as follows:

React instance


In the above example name property through the to get.

Note that when adding attributes, the class attribute needs to be written as className , and the for attribute needs to be written as htmlFor because’ class’ and for are reserved words in JavaScript.

Composite component

We can synthesize a component by creating multiple components, that is, separating the different function points of the component.

In the following example, we implement a component that outputs the name and URL of the website:

React instance

functionName(props){return<h1>Site Name:{}</h1>;}functionUrl(props){return<h1>
Website address:{props.url}</h1>;}functionNickname(props){return<h1>
Website nickname:{props.nickname}</h1>;}functionApp(){return(<div>
<Namename="Rookie Tutorial"/> <Urlurl=""/>

The App component in the instance uses the NameUrl and Nickname component to output the corresponding information.

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