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Geological Online Map of the Qilian Mountains in China

Date: 2023-08-23  Editor: admin    View counts: 279   

Category: Others

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Geological Map of the Qilian Mountains in China

ⅠTarim Plate

Tarim platform

ⅡNorth China Plate

Ⅱ1 North China Platform

Alxa Block

Caledonian fold belt (continental slope) on the southern margin of Alashan

Ⅱ2 Caledonian fold belt in Qilian Mountains

North Qilian fold belt

Middle Qilian uplift

South Qilian fold belt (back-arc basin)

Early Indosinian fold belt in Hunan Mountains, Qinghai Province (epicontinental sea basin)

Ⅱ3 Qaidam massif

Caledonian fold belt on the northern margin of Qaidam

Qaidam massif

Ⅱ4 Caledonian fold belt in the North Qinling Mountains

Dangchuan fold belt

ⅢSouth china block

Ⅲ1 Variscan Indosinian fold belt in Western Qinling Mountains

Hualixi Fold Belt (Foreland Basin) in the Middle Qinling Mountains

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