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Hydrogeological Map of Beijing, China

Date: 2023-08-23  Editor: admin    View counts: 287   

Category: Others

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Map description

In the map, we can see the map of hydrogeological Map of Beijing, China. The scale of the map is 1:600000.The descriptive datas of the map are water bearing rock group and its water rich degree,representative water points and various boundaries,etc.

1.Aquiferous rock group and its water richness

(1) Loose rock-like interstitial water-bearing rock group

(2) Clastic rock voids and water-bearing rock group:

①Clastic rock aquifer

②Clastic rock type carbonate rock type aquifer group

(3) Carbonate rock fracture karst aquifer group

(4) Magmatic rock fractured water-bearing rock group:

①Intrusive rock aquifer

②Eruption of rock-bearing aquifers

(5) Metamorphic rock fractured water-bearing rock group

2.Representative water points


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