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Isotopic Age Online Map of Precambrian in China

Date: 2023-08-23  Editor: admin    View counts: 245   

Category: Others

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Isotopic Age of Precambrian in China


Sinian and Cambrian are not separated

Precambrian System

Upper Sinian

Lower Sinian

Sinian System

Pre-Sinian System

Lower Upper Proterozoic

Upper Proterozoic strata merged or undivided

Mesoproterozoic and Upper Proterozoic strata

Mesoproterozoic to Upper Proterozoic Lower Joint Layer

Upper Mesoproterozoic

Lower Mesoproterozoic

Mesoproterozoic strata merged or undivided

Lower and Middle Proterozoic Consolidation

Lower Proterozoic strata merged or undivided

Parallel or undivided Proterozoic buildings

Neither the Upper Archaean nor the Lower Proterozoic

Upper Archaean

Neither Middle nor Upper Archaean

Mesoarchean Erathem

Neither Lower nor Middle Archaean

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