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Geological Online Map of Yunnan Province, China

Date: 2023-08-23  Editor: admin    View counts: 343   

Category: Others

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Map description

Geological Map of Yunnan Province, China

Gondwana Plate

Tengchong plate

Baoshan plate

South China Plate

Simao Block

Zhongdian Indosinian fold belt

Yantze Platform

Caledonian fold belt in southeastern Yunnan


Subduction Zone of Plate (Land) Block (Taking Yanshanian Period as an Example)

Plate (land) docking belt

Gondwana Plate and South China Plate Boundary

①Salween river fault; ②Lancangjiang fault;③ Jinshajiang fault;④ Ailaoshan fault; ⑤Honghe fault; ⑥Xiaojinhe fault;⑦Green Juice River

fault;⑧Xiaojiang fault ⑨Maitreya fault

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