The online map of January and July average temperatures in Jilin Province, China, which are from the atlas of China National Geographic Map, prepared by the Editorial Committee of China National Geographic Map, and published by China Encyclopedia Press in November 2011. You can see the average temperature of January and July in Jilin Province.
Jilin is a temperate continental monsoon climate with four distinct seasons and the same season of rain and heat.There are obvious changes in the four seasons. The wind is dry and windy in the spring, the temperature is hot and rainy in the summer, the weather is high in the autumn, and the winter is cold and long.In most parts of the province, the average annual temperature is 2 °C to 6 °C, the annual extreme maximum temperature is 40.6 °C, and the annual extreme minimum temperature is -45 °C.The annual precipitation is generally between 400 and 900 millimeters, and there are obvious differences between humid, semi-humid and semi-arid from east to west.The annual sunshine is 2200 ~ 3000 hours, and the province is about 150 days west of the central part of the frost-free period and about 130 days in the eastern mountainous areas.
History map of administrative division (1994-1999) in Jilin Province, China
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