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Online map of flood disaster distribution in West China in mid to early September 2014

Date: 2023-08-23  Editor: admin    View counts: 471   

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The online map of flood disaster distribution in West China in mid to early September 2014 is from the Atlas of natural disasters in China in 2014, the book is edited by the National Disaster Reduction Commission Office, the Disaster relief Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the National Disaster Reduction Center of Ministry of Civil Affairs, and is published by China Map Publishing House. The scale of this map is 1:26000000.

Online map of flood disaster distribution in West China in mid to early September 2014

General situation of disaster

From September 9 to 18, continuous rainfall occurred in Western China, causing floods, landslides, mudslides and other disasters, causing 8.243 million people in 7 provinces (municipalities directly under the central government) including Hubei, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi and Gansu, 47 people died, 9 people were missing, 484000 people were urgently transferred and 2180000 people needed emergency living assistance; 55000 houses collapsed, 258000 rooms damaged in different degrees, the disaster area of crops was 3831000 hectares, of which 507000 hectares were lost, the direct economic loss was 14.51 billion yuan.

The flood disaster process has the following characteristics:

1.The rainfall is obviously too much, and wide range disaster affects

The rainfall in southern Shaanxi and Northeast Sichuan is more than 2 times than that in the same period of the year. The precipitation in Shaanxi is 4.2 times of that in the same period of the year, which is the most since 1951, the disaster affected a wide range, causing a total of 255 counties (cities and districts) in 7 provinces (municipalities directly under the central government) affected to varying degrees, the number of counties affected accounted for 34.7% of the total number of county-level administrative regions in the affected provinces.

2.The disaster loss is concentrated in Sichuan and Shaanxi, and the disaster poverty is superimposed

The disaster losses were concentrated in Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces, with more than 80% of the total losses due to emergency resettlement population, population in need of emergency living assistance and damaged houses, and more than 70% of the total losses due to crop failure. In addition, 121 affected counties are concentrated and contiguous, accounting for 47.5% of the total number of affected counties, the number of houses damaged accounts for more than 50% of the total losses, and direct economic losses account for nearly 50% of the total losses, among them, 81.8% of the counties are not only concentrated and contiguous difficult counties, but also the key counties of national poverty alleviation work.

3.Frequent geological disasters and serious damage to infrastructure

The process of the disaster caused a number of landslides, debris flow and other geological disasters, infrastructure damage was serious, 48 large-scale landslides occurred in Badong, Xingshan, Zigui and Yiling counties (districts) of Hubei Province, among them, 51.6 km of trunk roads were damaged and 934 landslides occurred, landslides along Chongqing mountain roads led to many roads being destroyed, and some shanpingtang, reservoirs and factory buildings were seriously damaged; Five trunk roads and 583 rural roads in Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province were seriously affected. The Foping connecting line of Xihan Expressway under construction collapsed by 11900 cubic meters. The national and provincial trunk roads destroyed 11.4 kilometers of road surface, 464 collapses occurred. 711500 cubic meters of rural roads collapsed, 212000 cubic meters of subgrade were destroyed and 739000 square meters of road surface were damaged.

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