The online map of January average temperature in Fujian Province, China is from the atlas of China National Geographic Map, prepared by the Editorial Committee of China National Geographic Map, published by China Encyclopedia Press in November 2011, the average January temperature in various regions of Fujian Province.
Fujian Province is near the Tropic of Cancer and belongs to a typical subtropical maritime monsoon climate.The territory is divided into Fuzhou, Fuqing, Yongchun, Zhangping, and Shanghang, and it is subdivided into central and southern subtropical climates.The annual average temperature is 17 ℃ ~ 21 ℃, increasing from north to south. The extreme minimum temperature in the province is -7 °C, and the extreme maximum temperature is 40 °C.
History map of administrative division (1994-1999) in Fujian Province, China
Online map of July average temperature in Fujian Province, China
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