The online map of January average temperature in Qinghai Province, China comes from the atlas of China National Geographic Map, prepared by the Editorial Committee of China National Geographic Map, and published by China Encyclopedia Press in November 2011.
Qinghai Province is located on a plateau, deeply inland, and has a plateau continental climate with low temperatures and large temperature differences between day and night.Winters are severely cold and long, and summers are cool and short.The province's annual average temperature is -5.0 ℃ ~ 8.6 ℃, the average temperature in January is -18.2 ℃ ~ -7.0 ℃, and the average temperature in July is 5 ℃ ~ 21 ℃.The annual temperature range is small, the daily temperature range is large and the accumulated temperature is low. The province's solar radiation is strong, long sunshine time, the annual amount of sunshine reached more than 3000 hours.Frost-free period is 100 ~ 200 days.Little precipitation with large regional differences in Qinghai Province.
History map of administrative division (1986-1999) in Qinghai Province, China
Online map of July average temperature in Qinghai Province, China
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