Precipitation variability is the amount that represents the average change in precipitation, and is used to indicate the degree of stability of annual changes in precipitation in a region. Generally can be divided into relative and absolute variability. The relative variability of annual precipitation is the ratio of absolute variance to annual average.
China in the monsoon climate, precipitation is another feature of the annual precipitation is relatively large variability, precipitation reliability, drought and flood threat. The relative variability of annual precipitation is between 10% ~ 30% in most areas of China. Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Hunan are the regions with the lowest relative variability of annual precipitation in China. The relative variability of annual precipitation in the north is 20% ~ 30% higher than that in the south; the northwestern part of the vast northwestern China Inland arid desert areas, the relative annual variability of precipitation is generally up to 20% to 50%, and the end of up to 54%.
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