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Online Map Climate Zoning in China (1:32 million)

Date: 2023-08-23  Editor: admin    View counts: 315   

Category: General Map

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Climatic zoning is based on the industrial sector, the purpose of the study of climate requirements, the use of relevant indicators, global, national or a particular region of the climate level by level, the climate is roughly the same place as a district, the climate of different zoned Into another area, the results can be drawn to a number of levels of regional units.

Climate zoning method

Climatic zoning is one of the expressions of climate research. According to the degree of similarity and difference of climatic characteristics, according to the specific index, the division of the climate area within the specific region belongs to the sectoral division in the natural division.

Features of the climate zone

Due to the difference of the distribution of solar radiation at different latitudes, the climate will change regularly with the latitude, resulting in latitude zonal;

Due to different land and sea contrast and land and sea distribution caused by the difference between dry and humid climate will have a dry and humid climate also has a regular change in the zonal zone,

With the increase of mountain altitude, the temperature will drop, resulting in climate with altitude changes in the vertical band;

By the local aspect, the underlying surface, undulating terrain and other factors, the climate will change.

As a result, the climate at any location is affected by zonal and non-zonal integration.

The map shows the legend: climate zone boundaries; climate zone boundaries; Ⅰ --- cold temperate zone;ⅠA--- cold temperate humid region; Ⅱ --- in the temperate zone;ⅡA--- In the humid temperate zone;ⅡB--- Sub-humid temperate zone;ⅡC--- sub-arid temperate zone;ⅡD--- In temperate arid regions;ⅡE--- Extremely arid temperate zone;Ⅲ--- warm temperate zone;ⅢA--- Warm temperate zone;ⅢB--- warm sub-humid temperate zone;ⅢC--- Warm temperate arid region;ⅢD--- warm temperate zone very arid regions;Ⅳ--- North subtropics;ⅣA--- North subtropical humid region;Ⅴ--- subtropical;ⅤA---In the subtropical humid region;Ⅵ---South Subtropics;ⅥA---South Asia hot and humid large area;ⅥB---Subtropical sub-humid large area;Ⅶ---Edge of the tropics;ⅦA---Marginal tropical moist areas;ⅦB---Marginal tropical sub-humid large area;Ⅷ---In the tropics;ⅧA---In the tropical humid region;Ⅸ---Equatorial Tropical;ⅨA---Tropical equatorial tropics;HⅠ---Plateau tropical northern edge of the mountain;HⅡ---Plateau subtropical mountain;HⅢ---Plateau temperate zone;HⅢA---Plateau temperate humid large area;HⅢB---Plateau temperate sub-humid large area;HⅢC---Plateau temperate sub - arid region;HⅢD---Plateau temperate arid region;HⅢE---Plateau temperate zone very arid region;HⅣ---Plateau sub-frigid zone;HⅣA----Plateau sub - frigid zone moist;HⅣB---Plateau sub-humid sub-humid large area;HⅤ---Plateau frigid zone;HⅤDPlateau arid zone。

Annual Dryness Coefficient Indices of China 's Climate

Climate region Annual dryness coefficient Natural landscape
A moist ≤1.0 Forest
B Sub-humid 1.0-1.6 Forest grassland
C Sub-drought 1.6-3.5 Grassland
D Drought 3.5-16.0 Semi-desert
E Very dry ≥16.0 Desert

Indexes of Annual Dryness Coefficient of Climatic Region in Qinghai - Tibet Plateau

Climate region Annual dryness coefficient Natural landscape
A Moist <1.0 Evergreen broad-leaved forest
B Sub-humid 1.0-1.6 Coniferous forest, shrub, meadow
C Sub-drought 1.6-5.0 Grassland
D Drought 5.0-15.0 Semi-desert
E Very dry >15.0 Desert, Gobitd>

China's climate belt for many years 5-day moving average temperature stability by ≥ 10 ℃ days number of indicators and other meteorological elements value

Climate zone ≥10 ℃ accumulated temperature of the number of days (days)th> ≥10 ℃ accumulated temperature (℃) January average temperature (℃) July average temperature (℃)
Ⅰ Cold temperate zonetd> <100 <1600 <-30 <-18
Ⅱ In the temperate zone 100~171 1600 to 3200~3400 -30 to -12~-6 18 to 24-26
Ⅲ Warm temperate zone 171~218 3200~3400 to 4500~4800 -12~-6 to 1 24 to 28
Ⅳ North Subtropics 218~239 4500~4800 to 5100~5300;Yunnan Plateau3500~4000 1 to 4;Yunnan Plateau3 to 5-6 28 to 30;Yunnan Plateau18 to 20
Ⅴ Subtropical zone 239~285 5100~5300 to 6400~6500;Yunnan Plateau4000~5000 4 to 10;Yunnan Plateau5-6 to 9-10 28 to 30;Yunnan Plateau20 to 22
Ⅵ South Subtropics 285~365 6400~6500 to 8000;Yunnan Plateau5000~7500 10 to 15;Yunnan Plateau9-10 to 13-15 28 to 29;Yunnan Plateau22 to 24
Ⅶ Edge of the tropics 365 8000 to 9000;Yunnan Plateau7500~8000 15 to 20;Yunnan Plateau>13-15 28 to 29;Yunnan Plateau>24
Ⅷ In the tropics 365 9000 to 10000 20 to 26 >28
Ⅸ Equatorial Tropical 365 >10000 >26 >28
HⅠ Plateau tropical northern edge of the mountain >350 The hottest month average temperature>24
HⅡ Plateau subtropical mountain 180~350 The hottest month average temperature18-24
HⅢ Plateau temperate zone 50~180 The hottest month average temperature12-17
HⅣ Plateau sub-frigid zone 0~50 The hottest month average temperature6-11
HⅤ Plateau frigid zone <0 <6
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