The second industry is the traditional industrial economic theory in the industrial division of an industrial sector, refers to the primary industry and the industry to provide products (raw materials) processing industry sector. According to the "three industry classification" is divided into mining, manufacturing, electricity, gas and water production and supply, construction.
The following is a 2000 a number of cities in the second industry added value (for example):
Beijing --- 943.50, compared with 1999 ± 11.4%
Shanghai --- 2163.68, compared with 1999 ± 9.8%
Tianjin --- 820.17, compared to 1999 ± 11.5%
Kunming - 295.00, than in 1999 ± 7.6%
Guiyang - 134.69, compared with 1999 ± 10.8%
Nanning - 89.11, compared with 1999 ± 6.2%
Source: Atlas of China's Natural Disaster System
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