China is a large country of grassland resources, with 39 283 million hectares of natural grassland, accounting for 41% of land area, second only to Australia, ranking second in the world. It is mainly distributed in arid and semi-arid areas with annual precipitation of more than 400 mm, humid and semi-humid areas in the south and east, and coastal areas in the east and south.
The Chinese grassland classification in China Grassland Distribution Online Map (1:32 million) is: warm meadow steppe, warm grass, temperate steppe, warm desert grassland, warm desert, hot shrub, heat Alpine meadow, alpine grassland, alpine desert steppe, alpine desert, lowland meadow, marsh.
** Area of different types of grassland in China, Livestock carrying capacity
Types of grassland | Grassland area (ten thousand hectares) | Proportion of China's grassland area (%) | Effective grassland Carrying capacity per unit area (sheep unit / ha) | Total stocking capacity (million sheep units / year) |
合计 | 39283 | 100.00 | 24.40 | 43036 |
Temperate meadow steppe | 1452 | 3.70 | 1.29 | 1660 |
Temperate steppe class | 4110 | 10.46 | 0.72 | 2605 |
Temperate desert steppe | 1892 | 4.82 | 0.40 | 690 |
Warm desert | 4506 | 11.47 | 0.25 | 759 |
Thermal grass class | 1424 | 3.62 | 2.53 | 2888 |
Thermal shrub type | 1841 | 4.69 | 2.16 | 3038 |
Alpine steppe | 4162 | 10.59 | 0.35 | 1240 |
Alpine desert steppe class | 957 | 2.43 | 0.20 | 157 |
Alpine desert class | 753 | 1.92 | 0.12 | 69 |
Alpine meadow | 6372 | 16.22 | 1.19 | 6997 |
Lowland meadow | 2522 | 6.42 | 2.03 | 4273 |
Swamps | 287 | 0.73 | 2.60 | 587 |
Other grasses | 9005 | 22.93 | 10.56 | 18073 |
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