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China grassland distributed online map (1: 32,000,000)

Date: 2023-08-23  Editor: admin    View counts: 223   

Category: General Map

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China is a large country of grassland resources, with 39 283 million hectares of natural grassland, accounting for 41% of land area, second only to Australia, ranking second in the world. It is mainly distributed in arid and semi-arid areas with annual precipitation of more than 400 mm, humid and semi-humid areas in the south and east, and coastal areas in the east and south.

The Chinese grassland classification in China Grassland Distribution Online Map (1:32 million) is: warm meadow steppe, warm grass, temperate steppe, warm desert grassland, warm desert, hot shrub, heat Alpine meadow, alpine grassland, alpine desert steppe, alpine desert, lowland meadow, marsh.

** Area of different types of grassland in China, Livestock carrying capacity

Types of grassland Grassland area (ten thousand hectares) Proportion of China's grassland area (%) Effective grassland Carrying capacity per unit area (sheep unit / ha) Total stocking capacity (million sheep units / year)
合计 39283 100.00 24.40 43036
Temperate meadow steppe 1452 3.70 1.29 1660
Temperate steppe class 4110 10.46 0.72 2605
Temperate desert steppe 1892 4.82 0.40 690
Warm desert 4506 11.47 0.25 759
Thermal grass class 1424 3.62 2.53 2888
Thermal shrub type 1841 4.69 2.16 3038
Alpine steppe 4162 10.59 0.35 1240
Alpine desert steppe class 957 2.43 0.20 157
Alpine desert class 753 1.92 0.12 69
Alpine meadow 6372 16.22 1.19 6997
Lowland meadow 2522 6.42 2.03 4273
Swamps 287 0.73 2.60 587
Other grasses 9005 22.93 10.56 18073
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