China Nature Disaster
This map comes from the Major natural disaster Atlas of China in 2010 Surveying and Mapping Press and China Map Publishing House....
Map source The online map of people affected by flood disaster in the south of Yangtze River in mid to late May 2014 is from the ...
Map source The online map of flood disaster distribution in West China in mid to early September 2014 is from the Atlas of natura...
Map source The online map of people affected by flood disaster in southern China in mid July 2014 is from the Atlas of natural dis...
Map source The online map of frequency distribution of typhoon disasters in China in 2014 is from the Atlas of natural disasters i...
Map source The online map of disaster frequency distribution by disaster type in Sichuan Province in 2014 is from the Atlas of nat...
China Earthquake Online Map (1949-2004)...
Typhoon Disaster in Eastern China (1949-2000) (1: 32 million) Online Map. ...
Wind and sand disasters (1:3200 million) in Northwest China The annual average days are (> 50, 40-50, 30-40, 15-30, 5-15, respecti...
Online map of the occurrence ratio of disasters caused by natural disasters in China (1949-2000). Legend is disaster ratio, occurr...
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