Arctan inverse tangent function online calculation

App description

ARctan inverse tangent function calculator

The inverse tangent function is a mathematical term that refers to the inverse of the function y=tanx.

The inverse of the function y = tanx, (x ∈ R), denoted y = arctanx, is called the arctangent function. Its value range is (-π/2, π/2). The inverse tangent function is one of the inverse trigonometric functions.

The usual principal values of the arctan(x) and arccot(x) functions graphed on the cartesian plane

y x=arctan(y)
degrees radians
-1.732050808 -60° -π/3
-1.000000000 -45° -π/4
-0.577350269 -30° -π/6
0 0
0.577350269 30° π/6
1.000000000 45° π/4
1.732050808 60° π/3


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