Torque online calculator

App description

Torque is a special kind of torque that causes an object to rotate. The torque of the engine is the torque that the engine outputs from the crankshaft end. It is inversely proportional to the engine speed under the condition of fixed power. The faster the speed, the smaller the torque, and vice versa, it reflects the load capacity of the car within a certain range. The external torque is called torque or external force moment, and the internal internal torque is called torque or torque.

Torque calculation formula: \(T=F×D\)

In the formula:

T = torque;

F = force;

D = distance

Usage example

Input data:

I want to calculate: torque Force (F) = 15N Distance (D) = 5m

Click on calculation to output data

Torque (T) = 75N-m


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