Online Cube Root Calculator - Online Calculator Open Cube - Scientific Calculator Open Cube
If the cube of a number x is equal to a, that is, the cube of x is equal to a(\(x^3=a\)), that is, 3 x consecutive multiplications are equal to a, then the number x is called the cube root of a ( Cube root), also known as the cube root.
Any number has only three cube roots, which are evenly distributed on the circumference with the origin as the center and the arithmetic root as the radius. The points corresponding to the three cube roots form an equilateral triangle. The nature of the cube root: (1) Any number that is not 0 has 3 cube roots. (2) The cube root of 0 is 0. Generally, if the cube of a number X is equal to a, then the number X is called the cube root of a (also called the cube root). That is, if \(x^3=a\), then x is called the cube root of a. 0 is the cube root of 0.
Cube root properties:
(1) Within the real number range, there is only one cube root of any real number
(2) Within the real number range, negative numbers cannot be squared, but they can be cubed
(3) The cube root of 0 is 0
(4) Cubic and open cubic operations are mutually inverse operations
(5) Within the range of complex numbers, any number other than 0 has only 3 cubic roots (one real root, two conjugate imaginary roots),they are evenly distributed on the circle with the origin as the center and the arithmetic root as the radius. The points corresponding to the three cubic roots form a regular triangle
(6) Within the range of complex numbers, negative numbers can be squared or cubic.
Number: 9
Click "Calculate" to output the result
Cubic root: 2.080084
The cube root of the number 9 is 2.080084
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