Unary quadratic equation rooting online calculator

Inputax2+ bx + c = 0 Coefficient of equation a,b,c

Unary quadratic equation rooting online calculator

The quadratic equation of one unknown refers to an integer equation with only one unknown and the highest number of unknowns is quadratic. The general form of the equation is: \(ax²+bx+c=0(a≠0)\), where ax2is a quadratic term, bx is a term, c is a constant term, and a and b are constants. a≠0 is an important condition, otherwise there is no guarantee that the highest number of unknowns of the equation is twice.

When \(Δ=b^2-4ac≥0\), \(x=[-b±(b^2-4ac)^{1/2}]/2a\)

When \(Δ=b^2-4ac<0\), \(x={-b±[(4ac-b^2)^{1/2}]i}/2a\)( i is an imaginary unit)

One-dimensional quadratic equation matching method:

\(ax^2+bx+c=0\)(a, b, c are constants)






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