Online inversion calculation of arbitrary order matrix

The inverse matrix of the above matrix is:

Given an N*N-order numerical matrix, the inverse matrix of the arbitrary-order numerical matrix can be calculated online, giving numerical results.

Please enter the matrix data to be calculated (space or comma separated columns, carriage return or semicolon separated lines).


(1) Enter the matrix of N*N in the text box above.

(2) Click the "Calculate" button to get the calculated inverse matrix result

Note: The input values support integers (such as -12), floating point numbers (such as 2.36), and exponential forms (such as 1.2e-6); the input values support +, -, *, / (does not support ^ power operator) and Some common elementary functions (such as sin, cos, tanh, etc.)

(3) Click on the "Example 1" and "Example 2" buttons to get two examples of use.


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